English Teaching Principles


Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC

Departamento de Letras e Artes - DLA

Página mantida pelo projeto de extensão Dinamizando o ensino da língua inglesa

Coordenação: Prof. Isaias Francisco de Carvalho / Profa. Elaine Cristina Medeiros Frossard


English Language & Anglophone Literature

A few teaching/learning principles, rules and tips


Dr. Isaias Carvalho

In these courses…

1. Literatures in English [and any other subject matter] and the English language itself are part of the same system. That means our lingua franca is English, which should be treated as part of the learning process. Literature and language are both integrated in the subject matter we are dealing with: Anglophone Literature.

2. If you decide to read the Portuguese version of a text, do not forget to resort to the original one in English, for this is the one we will use in our discussions and references. Again, that means our lingua franca is English.

3. The classroom as a concrete learning setting is not to be considered the main teaching/learning locus. Online and other extra-class environments are as important.

4. Active and effective engagement in all tasks and activities by the students is a must, as it turns out to be very relevant in the grading system used (process assessment).

5. For the sake of process assessment, evidence of task accomplishment may be: relevant comments/opinions (either written or oral ones), handwritten summaries and notes, expanded research, printed pages with notes ...

6. Students may be engaged in journal writing, with at least 6 entries throughout each term.

7. Most of our literary, linguistic and theoretical readings will be done in English. Even when Portuguese is the original language of a text, discussions and journal entries must be carried out in English.

8. Besides the seemingly infinite source of internet materials related to Anglophone Literature and the English language, the library at UESC should also be used, since it has quite a few books by Anglophone authors.

9. Working on Anglophone Literature and the Engish language should be a pleasant experience. If you feel any kind of negative energy towards either the subject matter or the class procedures, please talk to your professor about it, especially in a diplomatic and private manner. Unpleasant postures and attitudes will be regarded as offensive and disturbing.

10. Students are stimulated to keep records of their readings and discussions for future use, beyond the limits of this term.

11. Each and every student is supposed to publicly do some talking related to the tasks previously assigned. That is one of the most important components of process assessment.

12. Students are free to ask questions and make comments at any time, except when it is a formal presentation by a classmate.

13. Students are supposed to do what they can do, according to their proficiency level (see item #1). That means there will be different levels of demand by the professor. Constantly neglecting homework assignment will be regarded as disrespectful and irresponsible.

14. Most of the materials and resources used in this course will be available online.

15. Use an English-English dictionary as much as you can. On the right column of this website you can find a link to suggestion: thefreedictionary, Merriem-Webster, etc.

16. Student autonomy should be deemed as the main characteristic and goal of college education (if not at all levels of education).

17. [Add your principle, rule or tip here]: ______________ …

English courses

English Language Phonetics and Phonology - LTA567 Fonética e Fonologia da Língua Inglesa

English Language III - LTA566 Língua Inglesa III

Business English I - LTA644 Inglês para Negócios I

English Literature

English Literature

Literatura Inglesa

English Literature

Literatures in English I

Literatura de Língua Inglesa I

An Outline of Anglophone Literatures

Panorama das Literaturas Anglófonas