basic questions

Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC

Curso: Língua Estrangeira Moderna / Inglês

PARFOR - Plano Nacional de Formação dos Professores da Educação Básica

Disciplinas: Língua Inglesa - Habilidades Integradas I e III (home)

Professor: Isaias Carvalho

Basic Conversation Questions

Asking for & Giving Personal Information

Work in pairs/trios. Ask for and give personal information.

1. Hi! How are you?

2. What’s you name? / Who are you?

3. What’s your middle name?

4. What’s your last name? / What’s your surname?

5. Where are you from?

6. How old are you?

7. How tall are you?

8. Where do you live? / What’s your address?

9. What’s your marital status? / Are you married? (single? divorced?...)

10. What do you do? / What are you?

11. Have you got any brothers or sisters? / Do you have any brothers or sisters?

12. What do you usually do in the morning? (in the afternoon? in the evening?)

13. What do you do in your free time? (in your leisure time/on weekends/on holidays?)

14. What languages can you speak?

15. What’s your telephone number? (phone number/cell phone number/mobile number)

16. Do you like to dance? (to work out? to go out at night? to study?...)

17. What’s your favorite tv channel? (color/sport/kind of music…)

18. Who’s your favorite singer? (politician/athlete/soccer player/professor…)

19. What’s your major?

20. _________________________________________________?

Prof. Isaias Carvalho