Post date: Nov 22, 2013 7:42:43 PM

Youghal Cycling Club Notes – Sunday 10th November

Club Spins After a break of a few weeks through October the Club spins were back in force last weekend. With all cyclists boasting about how many Kg’s they had put on over the past weeks and how they were going to suffer as they has not sat on the bike for the past month. Another few minutes were spent on comparing the various mudguards that had been added to the bikes and how effective they would be at protecting the riders behind or were they just glorified muc-spreaders! The winner by far produced a piece of equipment called an “Ass-Saver”, for sure the kinkiest mudguard ever seen!

So once we all had assembled and the banter was flowing we then split into two different groups. The first group to roll out were led by Jon Flynn and he had selected a very comfortable 80km route around east Cork that took in just over 500m of climbing. This ride took 3 hours and averaged at 28kph. Very shortly afterwards the second group rolled out led by Jim Wyse. Again they headed east and took a similar 75km route with 350m of climbing and averaging 26kph and were home after just under 3 hours riding time also.

This time of year is really focussed around the social side of cycling and just getting in a few base miles to prepare for the coming season when the temperatures rise. Routes are limited from 60km-80km and will have you home in 3-4 hours, plenty of time for Sunday lunch! While it may seem tough to drag yourself out of the house, these spins are really worthwhile and will significantly stand to you in the coming season. If you have targets to do a few sportiffs next year, then start training now!! Get in the steady miles now and you will really enjoy all the sportiffs next year.

At the moment we have three separate groups rolling out every weekend. On Sundays at 10am we have a group that will roll out from Moby Dicks and cover a 30-50km route at a very comfortable pace for anyone looking to take up cycling. This group is typically led by Club Chairman Sean Lawlor.

Another group rolls out from Lidl at 10am on Saturday, 9am on Sunday and is led by Jim Wyse. This group does a really good job of introducing people to road and group cycling. They set various sportiffs and weekend training camps as targets. They work the group pace so as all will meet these various targets. At this time of year, they will cover 60-80km routes at an average speed of 25-27kph on fairly level routes. This is a brilliant group for those who want to improve their general cycling capability and enjoy the camaraderie of Club cycling!

Finally we have a group that also rolls out from Lidl at 9am on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Typically this group is made up of the more experienced Club cyclists. As with the other group their objective at this time of year is getting in the base miles for the coming season. Their spins are similar to the other group but just a couple of km faster. So for anyone feeling a little strong in the other groups, this is an ideal time of year to jump across.

Club AGM

Last Wednesday 6th November we had the annual general meeting of Youghal Cycling Club. This was a very well represented meeting with a large attendance. The usual formalities with Sean Lawlor, Anthony Keneally and John Walsh presenting the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer reports respectively. The incoming committee remains pretty much the same with the only major change being Ina Walsh taking the reigns as Club Treasurer. The major highlight of the meeting has to be Club stalwart Jerry Geary being presented honorary lifetime membership of the Club. Jerry has been a guiding light in the Club over the past 30 years and without him we are all sure we would not be where we are today! Other highlights include adoption of Club rules, general agreement to proceed with expanding to include triathlon membership and overseas tour in 2014. Further details of all these will be made available in the coming weeks and months. Keep posted, all is getting better with YCC !!

Club Merchandise The leisure kits are in and Club strip is due in the coming weeks. Please contact Anthony Keneally.

Jerry Geary being presented with Hon Lifetime Membership