Post date: Dec 11, 2011 7:50:43 PM

Youghal Cycling Club Notes – Sunday 4th December 2011

Big groups continue to be the norm for Youghal Cycling Club as the regular Saturday and Sunday morning spins increase in popularity. The Saturday morning beginners group are seeing numbers of 15-20 riders heading off from Lidl carpark at 10am every weekend. They are typically covering 40-60km at an average pace of 18-23kph.

This Sunday a fine group of 21 riders met at Moby Dicks for the weekly ride out. There was wide consensus that we were going to pick a fairly flat route as there were some tender bodies from the Christmas Party on the previous Friday – more to follow on that later. Ignoring these pleas we headed off out towards Tallow, there was no complaining as the frosty morning air and the steady climb played havoc with lungs and legs. After rolling nicely into Tallow we took a left turn and the bumpy road to Rathcormac. From here we took another left to Leamlara and then onto Midleton for the coffee stop. As per usual a few of the speedsters dropped off the back to “get a burn in” before the stop in Midleton. There was not much pep in their pedals and they were saved a few blushes by the train crossing as they failed miserably to catch the main group. The coffee stop was great this week as our poor secretary “Half Cup” Tobin was not there to rush us . The poor guy came down with a very serious dose of Man Flu. We were very worried about him, but reports are coming back that he is getting stronger, so we had a little whip around and raised enough money to get him some Kleenex Aloe Vera tissues. We heard your little snout was all red and sore from blowing, these should make your recovery a little easier. Refreshed we left Midleton and back home to Youghal via the Mogeely road. The spin finished off with a nice 90km on the legs and the speed slightly up at an average of 26.5kph. Note of congratulations to Eamonn Flanagan who topped the 100km distance by the time he got home. This is a PB for Eamonn – well done & more to come!

Christmas Party

The Christmas Party was held in Farrells Bar Summerfield, on Friday December 2nd. A great night was had & thanks to all that helped out in organising the event. Special thanks go to Ollie McCarthy for doing the disco on the night. We also would like to thank those who sponsored spot prizes – The Village Greengrocer, Keneally Rochford & Associates, Farrells Bar & An Rothar.

December schedule as follows (weather dependent):

Wednesday’s at 10am from Lidl Carpark – Intermediate cycling

Thursday’s at 7.45pm from Lidl Carpark – Intermediate Cycling

Saturday’s at 10am from Lidl Carpark – Beginner Cycling

Sunday at 9am from Moby Dicks – Intermediate Cycling

Sunday at 10am from Moby Dicks – Beginner (& Golden) Cycling