06 june 2004


Here is the June Newsletter. Don't forget the Annual Iris Show on June 12th.

Pete Addeo, Webmaster

Missoula Iris Society


DATE & TIME: June 5th, 2004 meeting was cancelled but the next meeting is Friday, June 11th at 7:00PM

PLACE: Southgate Mall Community Room

PROGRAM: No scheduled program information available

BUSINESS: Following the brief meeting, everyone can help set up tables for the iris show.



All members are invited to attend the memorial service for Bob Gray to be held Friday June 11th from 3:00 to 5:00 at the Fort Gardens. Everyone is encouraged to contribute to a pot luck supper and help is needed to set up the rented tables and chairs. Billie Gray says bring memories of Bob to share with the group.


Southgate Mall on Saturday, June 12. Help needed with set-up on Friday evening beginning at 8:00 p.m. The theme is Springtime in the Rockies.


Saturday, July 31 at the Fort Missoula Gardens beginning at 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.


Your treasurer receives requests for reimbursement of expenses paid by individual members of the Society. The following is the policy which the auditors and I have instituted to document these expenses:

1. Fill out an Iris Society Expense Form and SIGN IT!!!

2. Please PROVIDE a VALID receipt to verify the expenses.

3. The expense must be forwarded to the treasurer within 30 days. (As per the standing by-laws of the society)

4. The treasurer will forward a check to the member within 30 days after receiving the completed form.

I have been receiving requests without documentation, forms not signed and outside of the 30 day limitation. I have been somewhat lenient in this policy in the past but will forego that policy beginning June 1st.


Any information for the newsletter should be e-mailed or mailed to Pete Addeo by the 3rd week of the month. It can also be faxed to (406) 251-4683.

It's Their Birthday!!....Let's Give 'Em a Cheer!!!

Happy day to Faye Pederson - June 22nd, Betty Ann Gustafson � June 21st and Linda Sadler � June 22nd . Have a happy birthday and all the good wishes and cheers that go along with it.


The meeting was called to order by President James Sadler at 7:35pm at the home of Gary Clark.


The minutes from the April meeting had one correction with regard to the music title. Otherwise, the minutes were approved as corrected.

Treasurers Report

Treasurers report was read by Carol Addeo in the absence of Treasurer Swede Gustafson.

Checking Account:

Beginning balance: $ 58.19

Deposits $407.51

Sub-Total $465.70

Less Expenses $ 92.15

Ending Balance $373.55

Savings Account

Beginning Balance: $6,301.96

Deposits $ 2.90

Ending Balance: $6,304.86

Savings Account Breakdown

Club's Operation $4,325.53

Judge's Special 216.40

Memorials 241.92

Building 865.47

Fort Garden Grant 350.00

Accrued Interest 5.54

Account Balance $6,004.86

Transferred $23.00 from Building Fund to Club Account to pay for the March rental unit fee.

Checking Account Deposits:

Transfer from Savings Account $300.00

Sale of plant markers 15.50

#990 check cancellation 17.01

Bookkeeping subtraction error 75.00

Total $407.51

Checking Account Expenses:

Flower Haus - 2 Sunshine Gifts $ 7.00

Billie Gray - Fort Gardens Expenses 24.30

Ann Violette - RVP, program, misc 27.85

Total Expenses $ 92.15


Fort Garden Report

Billie Gray reported that the babies and IB's are blooming. TB's are in bud. Daffodils need deadheading and anyone is welcome to go by with a pair of clippers. A stump was ground out and crab apple trees were pruned. The bill came to $130. A motion was made by Bob Symes, seconded by Ann Violette that the club pay for the full expense. The motion passed.

More gravel is needed on the rest of the bed; edging has been finished. Ruts were created 6" deep north of the bed by trucks and needs to be filled in by soil and re-seeded. Water is not turned on yet because one line was broken. "We look good and people think we are wonderful", said Billie. "And we are."

Storage Shed

Storage shed plans are in limbo.

Median Iris Show

Ann reported that the judges training median show will be held Sunday May 16 from 1:30 to 4:30. Meet at the Fort Gardens. Gardens who may have blooming iris include Honk Meyer, Carol Addeo, Jim Sadler, Billie Gray.

Annual Iris Show Report

The regular annual Iris Show will be held June 12th at Southgate Mall, J. C. Penney court. The theme is Springtime in the Rockies. Signups are needed for clerks, runners, table decoration, registrar. An advertising person is needed. Pete Addeo volunteered to make up the posters, if someone would distribute them. Billie will talk to the radio stations.

Tour Report - No tour planned for this year

Bob Gray Memorial Service - The memorial service for Bob Gray will be held Friday, June 11th from 3:00 - 5:00. Pot luck dishes are welcome and help is needed setting up the rental tables and chairs. Bring memories of Bob to share.

Sale work party - Four members showed up for the May 8th sale work party.


Newsletter - Newsletter Editor Pete Addeo wants photos of gardens and iris. He would like 6-8 photos of several gardens. Jim Sadler will dig out photos of his garden.

June Meeting

Because judges have a conflict on June 5th, the June meeting was changed to Friday evening, June 11th just prior to set-up for the iris show. The no-host meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in the Southgate Mall conference room.

Presidential rhizome - Cleo Swanson won the May presidential rhizome.

The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m

Respectfully submitted,