04 apr 2011


DATE & TIME: SATURDAY, April 2, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. Usual potluck, followed by the meeting and a program.

PLACE: Home of Judy Blunt, 1901 1/2 So 4th St W. Call 728-0741 for directions.



New Membership List: The new membership list is now available. If you have not yet received your copy, call Carol Addeo, 251-5833.


Betty Ann has sent the 2011 show schedule to the AIS Exhibitions Chair, Lois Rose, for her approval. Lois was out of town on vacation through March 5 so she has a number of schedule to review , therefore, Betty Ann has no information to report at this time regarding the schedule approval.

It's Their Birthday!!....Let's Give 'Em a Cheer!!!

Happy birthday to Jim Sadler, April 2nd; Alverta Symes, April 3rd; Ron Dunn, April 23rd; Carol Barbian, April 28th. Have a happy birthday all.

TREASURER'S REPORT For March 31, 2011

SAVING ACCOUNT: no activity during this month so the balance remains at $8,976.20.


At the March meeting I paid Donna Dowell $12.25 for the printing and folding of the Median Show Schedule.

The February 28 balance was $218.16. With the above paid bill the current balance is $205.91.

Respectfully Submitted, Swede Gustafson - Treasurer


The meeting was called to order at 7:15 P>M> at the Eagles hall. 20 people were present.

Minutes were read and approved. Swede Gustafson gave the treasurers Report. He stated that $218.l16 is the checking account and $8,976.20 in the savings account. The treasurers report was approved as read.

Donna Dowell handed out the schedule for the Median Show.

Gary Clark said we need 20 more small tubes for the Median Show. It was suggested that we advertise in the community calendar the Median Show. Pete Addeo said he would help Fred Frey with the posters for the show.

Betty Ann Gustafson gave the June show report. The design category was discussed and Jim Sadler was asked to give a program in May on simple designs. Betty Ann reported that there will be an Awards Ceremony at the Iris show at 7:00 P.M. right before the tear down. There will be no banquet as the awards ceremony will take its place.

Alverta Symes reported that Jeannette Graham will give a garden class and an additional class on June 12th for judges who need the credit.

Ron Dunn reported that Cleo Swanson sends her best wishes.

Billie Gray stated that former members Jeff White and Charles Hiigle who live out side of Victor have donated iris for the sale in the Fall.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 P.M.

Drawing was held for the Presidential Rhizome drawing. Billie Gray won the drawing.

Respectfully submitted. Jim Sadler Secretary