01 jan 2010

DATE & TIME: Saturday, January 9th, 6:30 pm. Potluck dinner begins at 6:30 pm.

PLACE: Home of Gary Clark, 2275 Sunlite Lane. Call 728-7633 for directions

PROGRAM: Nomination and Installation of new officers and ratification of budget.


2009 MEMBERSHIP DUES: The new year is starting and it’s time to start collecting for the new year memberships. Dues are $9.00/person. Please see our Treasurer, Swede Gustafson at the meeting to pay your dues.

Nomination of officers for 2010: The Slate of Officers up for election is as follows:

President: Ed Verplancke

Vice President: Betty Ann Gustafson

Treasurer: Swede Gustafson

Secretary: Jim Sadler

It's Their Birthday!!....Let's Give 'Em a Cheer!!!

Happy birthday to Carol Addeo, January 2nd; Zona Lindemann, January 21st. Have a happy birthday all.

Congratulations to Alverta and Bob Symes, first time grandparents. They are now proud grandparents of a baby boy, 7 lbs & 5 ozs. Born on Christmas day, 20 inches long.