05 may 2007

DATE & TIME: Sat, May 5th, Potluck supper begins at 6:30 pm. Meeting begins around 7:20 pm

PLACE: Home of Pete and Carol Addeo, 5805 Helena Dr. Call 251-5833 for directions.

PROGRAM: Ron Dowell will discuss and demonstrate Japanese Miniature Design. An informative program, it should be of particular interest to those placing entries in the Artistic Classes at our Iris Shows. Carol will also be hosting a plant swap. Bring your extra garden plants, potted up and marked, to the meeting and we'll set them out in the yard for anyone who wants something new. This used to be a popular event in May, although we haven't done one in a few years.

At the last meeting, Swede and Betty Ann agreed to open their garden for viewing by members prior to coming to our house for the meeting. They will be available 5 to 6 pm. They live just a few blocks away at 3128 Eldora Drive. Call 251-3526 for directions.


Card file party, Tuesday, May 22, at 6:30 pm at Claudia Brown's. Please come, we need help.

A work party at the Fort was held on Saturday April 21. We'll probably have a report on that at the next meeting. Don't forget, short work parties will be held each Sunday afternoon, or you are welcome to just pop over there anytime with your spade and do a little weeding or clean-up. Don't forget to sign up your time on the signup sheet behind the Siberian bed.

Billie Gray said: After the initial work party, we would have a once-a-month session for upkeep that should only take us a couple of hours to keep everything neat and tidy. We will need to start deadheading next month and (keep) on top of the weeds. Starting May 5, Zona and Billie will not be available on Saturday mornings because Farmer's Market begins.

The Siberian bed is the one scheduled for renovation this year.

As weddings are scheduled in we may lose more days when we can do major work. Sunday mornings for many are not available, but some of us may be able to come and more may be available after noon. Maybe we could have some picnic sessions. Billie will plan to be out there on most Sunday afternoons. Call her early if you have questions.

Our sale digging/cleaning session will be from July 23rd – July 25th – Mon thru Wed when they go to the collection point. Please plan now to schedule some times to join us. Your help is needed and very much appreciated. Let Billie know if you need a reminder call and she will be glad to oblige. Thanks bunches and see you out at the gardens!

Apprentice Judges - Students and apprentice judges should order the new revised handbook. They can be purchased through the storefront at AIS.

Pete will be getting in touch with Bob Brown next week to talk to him regarding the storage shed plans and construction. We are looking to get some help with the costs of the materials and Bob has a lot of contacts that perhaps can donate to the cause. Hopefully we will have a report by the meeting date.

It's Their Birthday!!....Let's Give 'Em a Cheer!!!

Happy day to Pete Addeo, May 9th; Honk Meyer, May 24th; and Cleo Swanson, May 26th. Have a happy birthday all!

2007 Calendars: You can pick-up at the May meeting for $6.00 from Pete Addeo. We only have a few calendars left.

Meeting Locations for 2007: The following meeting locations are scheduled. We need some volunteers to host a meeting For October and November as well as our Christmas Party. Call Carol Addeo at 251-5833 if you would like to host a meeting at your home or be a host for a meeting at another member’s home: Anyone who wants to host a meeting at someone else’s house can do so by chipping in for drinks, etc or doing set up or cleanup for the host. It’s that simple. Let’s get some volunteers for hosting! It’s painless!!

May 5 - Meeting and pot luck dinner with PLANT EXCHANGE at home of Pete & Carol Addeo, 6:30pm

June 2 - Meeting and pot luck dinner at home of Bob & Alverta Symes in Bonner, 6:30pm

July 14 - Meeting and pot luck dinner at home of Alayne Hildritch in Grant Creek, 6:30pm

August - No Meeting

September 8 - Meeting and pot luck dinner at home of Gary Clark in Target Range, 6:30pm

October - Need meeting location

November - Need meeting location

December 2 - (Sunday) Annual Christmas Party. Location needed.

Treasurer's Report from Pete Addeo:


Club Savings Account CD

Balance March 31 $3253.45

Total $3253.45

Club Savings Account

Balance March 31 $6584.40

Account Summary:

Club Operations $2024.78

Judges Fund 375.43

Memorial Fund 301.92

Building Fund 865.47

2006 Rhizome Sale 3001.00

2006 Interest Income 15.80

Total balance $6584.40


March 31 Balance $ 869.43

April 2007 deposits:

Swede's Siberian sale 18.00

Historical Book Sale 10.00

MIS Dues Paid 63.00

Total Deposits 91.00

Expenses Paid – April

Bob Symes - Fort expenses 54.13

Balance – March $906.30

Minutes of the Missoula Iris Society Meeting, Saturday, April 14, 2007

The meeting was called to order by President Elinor Utech at 7:20 p.m. at the home of Honk Meyer.

New member: Dorothy Alcaraz, mother and mother-in-law of the Addeo's, was welcomed as a new member to the association.

Minutes - The minutes of the March meeting appeared in the April newsletter mailed and e mailed to everyone and were apparently approved as no one offered any corrections.

Treasurers Report which appeared in the March newsletter was mentioned briefly but there were no comments.

Committee Reports:

Median Show - Gary Clark, chairperson, mentioned that the programs for the 2007 Median Show were passed out at the March meeting. Anyone who still needs a program should contact him. One correction in the program: judging begins at 11:00 a.m., not 11:00 p.m. Everyone is encouraged to join for coffee after the clean-up.

June Iris Show - Jim Sadler, chairperson for the iris show in June did not have a report.

Fort Garden - Billie Gray, Fort Chairperson, presented a written report and comments prior to the meeting, as she had another commitment. She reported: "The Fort calendar arrived and is subject to revision. I suggest we have a work session next weekend, April 21-22 with the following goals in mind:

1. Weed and debris removal

2. Clip lawn edges

3. Make sure the labels are in place.

4. Any replanting or removal needed

5. Add gravel mulch as needed.

After that we would have a once-a-month session for upkeep that should only take us a couple of hours to keep everything neat and tidy. We will need to start deadheading next month and on (keep) on top of the weeds. Starting May 5, Zona and I will not be available on Saturday mornings because Farmer's Market begins. The Siberian bed is the one scheduled for renovation this year.

As weddings are scheduled in we may lose more days when we can do major work. Sunday mornings for many are not available, but some of us may be able to come and more may be available after noon. Maybe we could have some picnic sessions. I will plan to be out there on most Sunday afternoons. Call me early if you have questions. I will go to early church after our choir is done the end of May.

Our sale digging/cleaning session will be from July 23-25 Mon-Wed when they go to the collection point.

Please plan now to schedule some times to join us. Your help is needed and very much appreciated. Let me know if you need a reminder call and I will be glad to oblige. Thanks bunches and see you out at the gardens!"

Sunshine Report: Wayne Richlie had a hospital visit, Hazel was reported to be out working in the yard when a couple of members visited.

Shed Report - Pete Addeo reported that he obtained bids for the lumber, which will run about $3,000-$3,500, without a slab. The plan is to build a 12 x 32 and to share 16 feet in back of it with the Historical Museum. We have about $1,000 to put in to it. Claudia will check with Bob Brown for additional resources to pay for it.

Silver for Show - Gary mentioned they have misplaced some of the silver; they will search Honk's basement storage before they raise the panic flag.

Apprentice Judges - Students and apprentice judges should order the new revised handbook. They can be purchased through the storefront at AIS.

Presidential Rhizome - The April rhizome was won by Ron Dunn

May Meeting Program - Carol Addeo mentioned the plant swap to be held at the Addeo home for the May meeting.

The meeting was casually adjourned at 7:45 p.m. (I think) and was followed by an interesting slide show on iris gardens by Fred Frey which concluded about 8:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn Addeo

Acting Secretary in the absence of