03 mar 2012


DATE & TIME: SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 2012 AT 6:30 P.M. Potluck supper followed by the meeting.

PLACE: Eagles Lodge Community Room east end of bldg next to Rosauers, 2420 South Ave West. Meeting hosted by Ron and Donna Dowell.


A host home is needed for the April 7th meeting. Call Carol Addeo at 251-5833 if you can provide the meeting location.

REMINDER OF UNPAID DUES: Elizabeth Freisz, Denise Lockridge, Pat and Nancy Ryan, and Lynn Weger.

MEMBERSHIP LIST: Copies of the MIS Membership List for 2012 will be passed out to everyone in attendance at the April meeting. Members unable to attend will receive it in the mail.

It's Their Birthday!!....Let's Give 'Em a Cheer!!!

Happy birthday to Barbara Lee, March 28th, and Bob Brown, March 4th. Have a happy birthday


I received and deposited membership dues from the following since the February newsletter was sent out: Judy Blunt, Carol Barbian and Honk Meyer

Listed below are people who have not paid for 2012: Pat and Nancy Ryan, M. Elizabeth Friesz, Denise Lockridge, and Lynn Weger

This is the final call for memberships to be included in the membership list for 2012. The Savings Account has not changed since the last report and remains at $11,750.87

For the Checking Account the February newsletter reported balance was $483.63. I did deposit the $30.00 in memberships on Feb 6. I purchased four (4) each of the folding vinyl tables at Costco for a total price of $199.96. These tables are stored in the Fort Garden Storage shed. I also paid the Eagles Lodge $50.00 for the meeting room rental fee for our March meeting. The Annual Montana Corporation Report and fee of $15.00 will be filed today. These activities leaves a current balance as of February 23, is $248.67.

The Audit Committee chaired by Cindy Davis and members Alverta and Bob Symes reviewed the financial records for 2011 and found them is good order. We met at the Montana Club and enjoyed a good meal and conversation prior to the review.

The Annual Montana Corporation report will soon be filed

Respectfully submitted,

Swede Gustafson, Treasurer


Meeting called to order at 7:27 p.m. by Ed Verplancke, at the Eagles in the Community Room, Ed asked if all read the minutes, Ron moved that the minutes be approved as printed in the news letter, motion seconded and approved as printed.

Swede read the treasurer report. Checking and Savings. Six people have not paid dues yet this year. He has the State Corporate fees to pay in the amount of $15.00. Bob and Billie made a motion that the treasurers report be accepted as presented, Ron seconded the motion, motion carried and approved as presented.

New Business: Betty Ann presented the results of the photo entries. First place was Carol Barbian, 2nd place was Fred Frey. Entries were presented by 1. Ed Verplancke 2. Anita Verplancke 3. Ron Dowell 4. Donna Dowell 5. Jim Sadler 6. Linda Sadler 7. Swede Gustafson 8. Betty Ann Gustafson 9. Bella (Sadlers dog) 10. Fred Frey 11. Carol Barbian. Also Painting by Carol Barbian. Discussion was to consider expanding the Photo show by allowing paintings and other mediums for entries and doing this every year. Further discussion to follow in coming months.

Alverta has priced 2 laminators the one that best fit the clubs need was for $99.99 and pouches at $27.99. Ron moved to allow purchase of laminator, discussion followed, Jim seconded. Motion carried and approved.

Betty Ann discussed show it is schedule for June 9, 2012, Saturday, Donna Dowell has agreed to help her with the show, they met to plan the show as the Schedule needs to be in by the end of the month. The Name of the Show is Jewells of the Garden. Jim Sadler will be the head Show Judge.

Judy Blunt is donating a piece of silver for a Brown-Bronze tones category for Iris awards as there is not one, and we will be adding one to our show schedule.

Also Display Banner 3 feet by 6 feet are what the club is looking at for a cost of $65.00 each, Betty Ann is checking availability.

Ed received information in the mail about donating for the State of Montana UM Public Radio, they would give advertising for the show and/or sale for donation, discussion followed. It was decided not to donate as the free advertising we get now as a non-profit is a better fit.

Swede brought up that the cost of the use of the Room at the Eagles will no longer be $50.00 that we will get back when clean and done. As they have had the room reserved by people not showing up and/or not cleaning afterwards. The cost will be $50.00 non-refundable.

Pete suggested that Hahn at the China Bowl would like us back. Discussion followed nothing was decided. Further discussion followed, considering looking at Rentals for spaces from Churches would prefer street level,

as we are not getting any younger. Further discussion will follow at further meetings.

Carol Addeo will check to see if Gary will be able to switch meeting months with Judy, as she will not be available for April but could do May.

Old Business: Ice Cream Social in summer discussed it was agreed that we do it again as a great time was had by all, further discussion to follow on date and time.

Fred brought up the viewing of peoples gardens for this summer-self guided group tour of each other gardens. Betty Ann suggested we start in June with prior to Elizabeths garden, then another in July, prior to the meeting at Jims. At the March meeting more discussion to follow on times where and when. Consider if you would like the group to tour your gardens and when would be the best time.

Alverta has heard from Great Falls, they would like to start and Iris Club there and would like members to come and visit on April 25, 2012 and talk about AIS, judging, etc. This would be a day trip, a small group with car pooling up and back this would be on a Wednesday. If you are interested and can do a middle of the week day trip contact Alverta. Would like 4 to 6 members to go. They would also like to be able to come here for shows, classes and meetings.

Carol Barbian asked about calendar with AIS and/or doing a fund raiser by making our own. Software is available to make our own to sell at shows and sale. Discussion followed, Carol and Ed will get together and look into availability and cost for a 2012-2013 calendar.

We were reminded of the 2012 Convention in California, being held the week of April 16th - 21st. Sponsored by AIS Region 15 Southern California and Arizona.

March meeting is scheduled for the Eagles Lodge, Community Room on the east end of the building next to Rosauers, 2420 South Avenue West, to be hosted by Ron and Donna Dowell

Honk won December Rhizome

Judy won February

Carol Barbian, January

Elizabeth Houston, November

Gary Clark, October

Jim Sadler, September

Laurie Kammerer, August

Ed adjourned meeting. Submitted by Cindy Davis, Secretary