11 nov 2013

Official Newsletter for the Missoula Iris Society

November 2013

DATE & TIME: Saturday, November 2, 2013. Potluck supper begins at 6:30 pm. Hosts are Ron and Donna Dowell.

PLACE: Meeting location at Eagles Lodge, 2420 South Avenue W. Meeting room is on the east end of the building.

PROGRAM: None reported


MEMBERSHIP DUES –The $10.00 annual membership dues for 2014 can be paid anytime. Please pay your dues to Treasurer Swede Gustafson. Any new members who joined in July of this year or later are considered paid for 2014.

Officer Nominations for 2014 –President Ed Verplancke, Vice Presidents Cindy Davis and Gary Clark, Secretary Carol Addeo, Treasurer Swede Gustafson. (Treasurer trainee is needed)

Work Party: Thanks to a few members who were able to come out to the Fort Gardens work party on October 13, 2013 to put the beds to bed. Feel free to go out anytime for an hour of trimming or weeding. There are still a few more beds that need attention before the snow falls.

New Member: Add to your membership list, Allen Ledford, 5103 Hobblitt , Florence, MT 59833, phone 406-370-1250, e mail aledford25@hotmail.com

Used Book Sale: From Swede, “I have received an invitation card from the Friends of the Historical Museum for their annual Used Book Sale at Heritage Hall from Thursday November 8 through Sunday November 11.

For more information Phone 728-3476 ext 5 or email at klswanson@montana.com . Proceeds

support the programs and exhibits at the Museum.”

Christmas Party Reminder: Billie Gray will host the Christmas Party again this year on Sunday December 8th at 4:00 p.m. The main course will be the turkey with all the side dishes and desserts provided by members potluck. Start thinking about the Christmas Party Gift Exchange which we do every year. Everyone brings a wrapped gift (up to $12.00 value).

MIS COMMITTEES FOR 2014; Members, also be thinking about which committees/positions you might be interested in for 2014. Contributing in this way to our organization keeps you involved, active and knowledgeable about what is going on. Talk to the current committee chairperson to see what is involved.

Median Show - Gary Clark and Cindy Davis

June Iris Show – Cindy Davis and Gary Clark

Photographer/Historian/Scrapbook - Donna Dowell has been doing a great job for several years.

Display Garden at Fort Missoula - Billie Gray has been doing a great job for several years.

Programs - Need volunteer

Publicity - Fred Frey has been doing a great job for several years.

Rhizome Iris Sale – (Pete) and Carol Addeo have done it the last several years

Sunshine - Linda Sadler has been doing a great job. Betty Ann has volunteered to do it in 2014.

Newsletter – (Pete) and Carol Addeo have covered this for ten years. Anita will now help Carol with the mailing and e mailing.

Membership - Volunteer needed

Meeting Locations - Carol Addeo sets up the meeting locations. Call her if you would like to host a meeting.



September 22 reported balance $10,805.16

Deposits 90.51

Transfer to Checking Account 500.00

October 23 Balance $10,395.67

Deposits: Memorials to Elinor Utech and Pete Addeo $ 30.00

3rd quarter interest income 0.51

6 each 2104 paid memberships 60.00

Total Deposits $ 90.51


September 22 reported balance $ 134.46

Transfer from Savings 500.00

Expenses paid 374.00

October 23 Balance $ 260.46

Expenses paid: Carolyn Addeo for 8 plant marking pens $ 24.00

Ron Dowell – lawn mowing at Ft Garden 300.00

Eagles Lodge - meeting room rental 50.00

Total Expenses $ 374.00

Minutes of the October 5, 2013 Meeting

The October meeting was called to order by President Ed Verplancke at the Eagles Lodge. Hosts were Ed V. and Anita Cervenak.

The September minutes and the September treasurers report were approved as printed in the newsletter by a motion from Cindy Davis and seconded by Alverta Symes.

Old Business:

Website: Discussion of the current website. Swede reported that Tanya Symes, daughter of Bob and Alverta, will be the webmaster. No word on what she will charge, but next year’s budget should have an allowance for payment of the webmaster and the web host. Contact information to reach the webmaster is needed for all members.Jim Sadler complimented Ed on the website he designed, including the video; a discussion of creating a new site and transferring the history followed. The current site is paid for the next year. Ed commented that he had difficulty pulling up all the information on the website. Carol Addeo spoke in favor of maintaining our site because it has 10 years of history in it, especially covering those years when no hard copy history was maintained. Ed said he tried putting all the history on a dvd, however some would not open. Carol noted that she had used the history site for years when doing the monthly newsletter and all information was available.

Ed has volunteered to be a web master in training. Much discussion on learning the HTML language which is complex.

Nomination committee for 2014: Gary Clark reported that the following nominations have been made: President Ed Verplancke, Vice Presidents Cindy Davis and Gary Clark (who will also do the shows together), Secretary Carol Addeo, Treasurer Swede Gustafson. Ed commented that he did not want to hog the presidential nomination if anyone else would like to step forward. Noone else stepped forward. Swede still wants a treasurer trainee so he can retire. Scott Burns-Drake was suggested but he is too young, Gary declined.

Linda Sadler would like to resign from Sunshine duties, so Betty Ann Gustafson has offered to take the job. Some people who have been missed lately include Billie Gray and Carol Barbian. We hope to see them at a meeting soon.

Jim Sadler passed around a petition from the Missoula Rose Society for a grant to improve the rose beds at the Memorial Rose Garden.

Work Party scheduled: A work party at the Fort Missoula Iris Gardens is scheduled for Sunday October 13, 2013 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm or whenever you can come. Anita will send e mail or postcard reminders to members. All are welcome to come at any convenient time as the beds are pretty weedy and we need to put the beds to bed, said President Ed.

Discussion of meeting locations for 2014: Carol Addeo will host at her home in January, Bob and Alverta Symes will host in July. No other volunteers yet.

Ed Verplancke won the presidential Rhizome for October

A motion was made by Bob Symes to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 pm

Respectfully submitted ,

Carolyn Addeo


Presidential Rhizome Winner Tally: August Betty Ann Gustafson, September Bob Symes, October Ed Verplancke

2014 Meeting locations: January Carol Addeo, July Symes