04 apr 2010

DATE & TIME: SATURDAY, April 3, 2010

PLACE: Home of Honk Meyer, 2532 Highwood Dr, just off Gharrett. Call 251-5800 for directions . Usual potluck supper beginning at 6:30 p.m. followed by the meeting

AGENDA: Probably to finish planning the events of the year and to assign committee chairs.


Meeting locations needed for October and November 2010. Call Carol Addeo at 251-5833 if you would like to host one of our meetings at your home in 2010.

Thanks to member Delane H. Langton for the beautiful iris photos he sent us. I will be posting the photos on our site this next week. You can visit our website www.missoulairis.com to view them. Many photos are of the iris in our own Ft Missoula iris garden. The photos may come in handy for identification purposes.

Delane can be reached at 406-248-7205. His e mail is bluebodyandpaint@yahoo.com

If anyone did not receive a copy of the membership list last month, give a call to Carol Addeo and we'll get one out to you.

It's Their Birthday!!....Let's Give 'Em a Cheer!!!

Happy birthday to Kris Ritchart, April 11th; Ron Dunn, April 23rd; Carol Barbian, April 28th; Janette Turbak, April 18th; Jim Sadler, April 2nd, and Alverta Symes, April 3rd. Have a happy birthday all.

Treasurer's Report: No available report to print as of this date.

March Minutes of the Missoula Iris Society submitted by Jim Sadler

The membership met at the China Bowl restaurant. Twenty-five members were in attendance at the meeting. The membership was served a family style dinner at a charge of $12.00 per meal. The society met at 6:30 in the community room of the China Bowel restaurant each member was responsible for their individual bill including any drink. After the meal had been served, the meeting was called to order by President Ed Verplancke at 8:25 p.m.

It was moved by Cindy Davis that the minutes be approved as published in the newsletter. The motion was seconded by Alverta Symes. The motion was passed.

The treasurers report was accepted as published in the newsletter subject to review by the audit review committee.

Pete Addeo asked if everyone received their membership list. It was the consensus of all present that they had received the list.

Committee Reports:

Betty Ann Gustafson gave the show report. She stated that Alverta Symes would be helping by typing the show schedule. The Title for the show was announced as “Celebration of Gold, the 50th Anniversary of Shows” The theme for the design section would be “Golden Oldies” The individual design classes are still being worked out.

Linda Sadler gave the Sunshine committee report. She thanked the membership for sending her the names of members that needed to be remembered. She stated she had sent out 4 cards. Leona Wyckoff thanked the membership for the card she had received.

Billie Gray gave a garden report. She stated that she will be applying Osmocote a Scotts Miracle Grow product on the Garden in the very near future. Osmocote is a multipurpose controlled release plant food. It was suggested that the Garden committee shop at the Clinton Farms greenhouse. As the green house was a very good source for marigold plants.

Alverta Symes gave the sale report. She stated that she need a list of irises in each person’s garden so she will be able to prepare and update the card file.

Betty Ann Gustafson gave a report for the Historian Donna Dowell. She stated that Donna had finished the 2009 scrapbook and had given it to Betty Ann. Unfortunately, Betty Ann had forgotten to bring the scrapbook to the meeting.


There was no unfinished business.


Judy Blunt was introduced as a new member. She stated that she teaches creative writing at the University of Montana. She said she has 50 varieties of Iris. The May meeting will be at her home at 1901 ½ South Fourth Street West.

President Ed Verplancke stated he wanted the club to have a society appreciation day at the fort. A discussion ensued. It became the consensus that we have an ice cream social for the club and the public. Billie Gray and Judy Blunt will serve as chairs for the event. They will meet and report back to the society as their plans develop.

Judy Blunt, as the new member, drew the ticket for the presidential rhizome. The winning ticket was Dorothy Alcaraz.

Betty Ann Gustafson gave a report of the upcoming program at the 5 Valley Dahlia and Gladiolus society. She stated that program will be held March 2l, at 2:00 at the Orchard Homes Community Center. Speakers for the meeting will be Kari Brittain on how to prepare our soil for planting. Gary Clark will be giving a program on planting Gladiolas. Everyone is welcome.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M.