11 nov 2008

DATE & TIME: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1ST, 6:30 pm. Meeting and Potluck dinner begins at 6:30 pm.

PLACE: Home of Leona Wyckoff, 5360 Goodan Lane, Call 721-3426 for further information.

PROGRAM: None planned


Billie Gray will host the Christmas Party again this year on Sunday, December 7th beginning at 4:00 p.m. Come early if you wish. Billie will prepare the turkey and asks that you call her and leave a message about what you are bringing. Last year we missed having mashed potatoes so we want to do better at coordination.

Don't forget to start shopping for the perfect garden related Christmas gift. For new members, following is the criteria for the gift exchange. It's a lot of fun.


Everyone brings a wrapped gift (up to $12.00 value) and we put all the gifts in the center of the room and then pick numbers to see who goes first. The #1 person gets to pick any gift from the pile. The gift is opened for all to see. Then the #2 person in line can pick the gift that #1 picked or pick from the stack and the same goes for each one thereafter. If you pick one of the opened gifts, then that person now can pick someone else’s gift or from the stack. The limit is 3 times for any one gift to own. There is a lot of heavy duty trading between everyone and the laughs just keep coming. It is a great end to a wonderful year with our friends and members.

2009 MEMBERSHIP DUES: The year is coming to an end and it’s time to start collecting for the new year memberships. Dues are $9.00/person. Please see Pete Addeo at the meeting to pay your dues.

Members, be thinking about which committees/positions you might be interested in for 2009. Contributing in this way to our organization keeps you involved, active and knowledgeable about what is going on. Talk to the current committee chairperson to see what is involved.

2009 Budget:

The Board of Directors met on October 26, 2008 at the home of Pete and Carol Addeo to discuss the 2009 budget. The meeting was opened at 2:10 p.m. Present were President Cindy Davis, Vice President Ron Dowell, Treasurer Pete Addeo, members Jim Sadler and Carol Addeo.

After some discussion the following budget was decided on for 2009. This budget will be voted on and adopted by the general membership at the January 2009 meeting.

The 2009 Budget is as follows:

It's Their Birthday!!....Let's Give 'Em a Cheer!!!

Happy day to Kalli Rose Wurth, November 10th; Doris Willis, November 9th; Elinor Utech, November 21st; Pat Ryan, November 14th; Steve Hesla November 6th, and Donna Dowell, November 4th. Have a happy birthday all

Shed Progress from Pete:

The front of the shed is finally done. It’s looking good now, as the door is finally hung and we are ready to get the shed available to start storing our stuff. Still have to put on the hasp for the lock. Next week we will be working on the rest of the shed and putting down the T-111 siding on the rest of the side walls and then on to the back. Only 1 door for the backside is finished, so I have to still build the other door for the double doors for the Fort’s side. Hopefully, weather permitting, we should be done in another 2, maybe 3 weekends. Hope the snow don’t fly so we can button it up and get the final inspection called in and done.

Treasurer's Report from Pete Addeo:


Club Savings Account CD

Balance September, 2008

Club Savings Account

Balance September, 2008


September 30 Balance

Deposits -

October 6, 2008

Expenses Paid – October, 2008

Home Depot – Saw Blades, tools for shed

Balance – October 31, 2008







Minutes: October 4, 2008

The meeting was called to order by President Cindy Davis. It was moved by Ed Verplancke and seconded by Fred Frey to accept the treasurer’s report as printed in the Falls and Standards. There were no September minutes.

Old Business

Audit Committee: The committee has not met yet. They will meet in December.

Nominating Committee: The following slate of officers was offered:

President: Pete Addeo

Vice President: Gary Clark

Treasurer: Swede Gustafson

Secretary: Zona Lindemann

It was noted that as Vice President, Gary would be in charge of the Median Show, not in charge of the June show.

Standing Committees: The following people volunteered, were chosen, or were coerced into being committee chairs:

Fort Gardens: Billie Gray

Public Relations: Fred Frey with help from Alayne Hilditch and Anita Cervenak

Sunshine: Betty Ann Gustafson


June Show:


Committee Reports:

Storage Shed: All the shelving is in so things to be stored can be moved in. The outside is almost done. Because Boyce Lumber was not able to get us enough siding in a timely fashion, the upper outside walls will be finished with T1-11. Several items were suggested for storage in the new shed – those things currently being stored in various members’ garages/houses, the committee manuals, the lawnmower, perhaps the silver. A question was raised about how secure the silver would be if kept in the shed. It was noted that we probably needed a filing cabinet. Honk Meyer said he had a 4-drawer cabinet he could donate. A sign-out sheet was suggested so the society could keep track of where items were when they were being used. Some thought hanging a sheet on the door would be appropriate.

It was noted that the shed would have to be locked which prompted a discussion about member access. The suggestion was made that each officer would have a key. Members needing to get into the shed could get a key from one of the officers. Another idea presented was to put a combination lock on the door so all members could access the shed on their own schedule.

Fort Garden: The Siberian Bed is still a work in progress. The top path must be completed and some planting remains to be done. A Work Party is scheduled for Sunday, October 26th beginning at 1:00 p.m.

Program: There is no Chair at the moment but a suggestion was made that individual members could volunteer to present a program each month. Only eight programs are needed. The other months are taken up with Society projects (show, sale, etc.). Some program ideas were put forth: a catalog sharing of iris and other flowers, presentations on the different types of iris, slide and video shows, an identification quiz. It was decided to continue the discussion at the next meeting.


The 2008 Christmas Party will be held at Billie Gray’s again this year. It will be Sunday, December 7 beginning about 4:00 p.m. An article will be put in the Falls and Standards explaining how the gift exchange works.

Pete Addeo is ordering 2009 Calendars so those who want one need to order them from Pete. (Ed Verplancke and Jim Sadler have each ordered two already).

A Budget Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, October 19 at 2:00 p.m. at Addeo’s.

Donna Dowell announced that they have five Honk Your Horn rebloomers in bloom. All are welcome to come see them.

2009 Memberships are due by December 31. Pete is more than willing to collect them now! Clarification: New members who paid their dues at the sale or any time after that are paid until December 31, 2009. All other memberships paid on a yearly basis expire December 31, 2008 and are now up for renewal.

Two drawings for Presidential Rhizomes were done this month. One was for the month of August which somehow got overlooked. August: Dorothy Alcaraz; October: Ed Verplancke

Ed Verplancke moved the meeting be adjourned and so it was!