Newsletters 2018

NEXT MEETING: Saturday, November 3, 2018. The meeting will be held at the home of Carol Addeo and Al Ledford, 5805 Helena Drive, Linda Vista. (Contact Carol, or Betty Ann,, for directions)

Meeting Schedule:

5:00 PM Budget Meeting. All officers should attend and members are welcome to attend. The budget will be formulated for the year 2019.

6:30 PM Potluck dinner.

Immediately following dinner, there is a program and our business meeting.

The nominating committee will give their report and present a slate of officers for 2019.

Left over business from the previous meeting: Meetings held in January and February? Should we have meetings or should we resume meetings in March? Please think about prior to the meeting.

See you at the meeting!

Betty Ann Gustafson, President

TREASURER'S REPORT: As of October 25, 2018

SAVINGS ACCOUNT: No Activity since Sept 17, 2018 report $ 8104.54

CHECKING ACCOUNT: September 17, 2018 Balance $ 1663.83

Expenses Paid: 1393.00

October 25, 2018 Balance $ 270.83

Expenses Paid: Eileen Brown-- painting of the Storage Shed : 1100.00

Ron Dowell -- 2018 garden lawn care: 250.00

Erling Gustafson-- 1 gallon of primer paint 30.00

1 pound grass seed 6.00

misc parts for garden edging 7.00

Total $1393.00

Notes: 2019 Iris Calendars are available at the meeting from Betty Ann for $4.00 each

2019 dues will be accepted beginning with the November meeting $10.00 each


The irises in the new garden are continuing their quest to make root before the ground freezes. I have not had to put any back in their holes for the past two weeks. The only problem seen is the footprints of children and adults who are too lazy to use the the walkways and entrances to the new garden. Saw quite a few large prints in the beds. The grass seed I put down in late September is beginning to take hold and cover the short sections of the radial beds. Will have to reseed the east entrance to the new garden again in the spring. The sprinkler system got winterized today October 25 but the water had been turned off for at least two weeks as the contractor for the Historical Museum's system is turning off our system also. I am going to have a chat with the Museum Director about this problem and hopefully put a sign at our control valve to not operate this valve unless the Society has been notified.

I have been really swamped with projects for the past three weeks and have not had time to gather the budgetary numbers together for printing in the newsletter. I will have them for the meeting on November 3 so please plan to attend both the budget meeting at 5 and the regular meeting after dinner. Wish to see you all there at the meetings.

Respectfully Submitted: Erling Gustafson, Treasurer


Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM . Swede Gustafson gave a program on planting an iris.

Betty Ann Gustafson passed out the tickets for the presidential rhizomes.

A shed report was given by Swede Gustafson The Museum donated the paint. The society donated $1,100.00 toward labor to paint the shed.

Treasurer’s report was given and it was found that $1,663.83 is in the checking account. Savings has $8,804.03.

A garden report was given as to the garden renovation. The members present thanked Swede Gustafson for all of his hard work.

New Business:

It was noted that it is time for the nomination committee for officers for the next year. Budget meeting is to be held at Carol Addeo’s house November 3, 2018.

Christmas party is being planned.

The 2019 calendars were present for sale. Ron Dowell and Cindy Davis both paid for their calendars.

The Presidential rhizome winners were August Fred Frey; September Gary Clark; October Al Ledford.

Meeting adjourned 8:30 PM

Respectfully submitted, Jim Sadler


Saturday, November 3 – Meeting at home of Carol Addeo and Al Ledford in Linda Vista at 5805 Helena Dr. Board meeting & next year planning starts at 5:00 p.m.; all members welcome. Pot luck supper at 6:30 p.m. followed by the regular membership meeting. Call 406- 251-5833 for directions.

Sunday, December 2 – 4:30 p.m. (Date tentative) Christmas turkey dinner and potluck goodies, followed by gift exchange at the home of Billie Gray, 1558 S. 6th St West. Call 406-543-3480 for directions.

Presidential Rhizome winners: August Fred Frey; September Gary Clark; October Al Ledford

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