01 jan 2008

DATE & TIME: Saturday, February 2nd, 6:30 pm. Potluck dinner begins at 6:30 pm.

PLACE: Home of Billie Gray, 1558 S 6th St West; call 543-3480 for directions

PROGRAM: No mention of any program at this time.



The $9.00 annual membership dues are due now for the 2008 year. Please pay your dues before the end of the month to keep us up to date and to keep receiving this newsletter.

It's Their Birthday!!....Let's Give 'Em a Cheer!!!

Happy day to Alayne Hilditch, February 27th and Lynn Weger, February 24th. Have a happy birthday!

A Note from Ann Violette: JUDGES TRAINING

Just a note to let you know that I'm forwarding a bit of news on the judging update training in Idaho in case any of our judges need to know. I am feeling better and stronger as time goes by but not ready for crowds as I have little resistance to germs so I'm home 99 percent of the time

Judging Session in Idaho from Ann Violette:

Date: February 23rd

Place: 2606 S. Pond Boise, Id

Time: 1 PM to 4 PM

phone: 208-336-3052

Trainer: Carol Coleman RSVP

3 hour training on the changes in the AIS Judges Handbook with test. Please bring your new book and Hi_Liter

$5.00 fee for Judges

43.00 Fee to Audit as required by AIS Region 11 By-Laws

Treasurer's Report from Pete Addeo:

The numbers are for the month of January 2008,


Club Savings Account CD

Balance January 31

Club Savings Account

Balance January 31


December 31 Balance

January 08 Deposits

Expenses Paid – January 2008

Newsletter postage/supplies

Balance – January 31, 2008








We have about 4 or 5 AIS Calendars left. Price is $6.00 each. Need to get them sold, come & get ‘em!!!

Minutes of the Missoula Iris Society Meeting, Saturday, January 5, 2008

The meeting was called to order by President Elinor Utech at 7:33 p.m. at the home of Pete and Carol Addeo. First item of business was the 2008 officers. The roster of officers for 2008 was voted on and passed by a motion from Billie Gray, seconded by Claudia Brown. With a grateful thank you to Eleanor Utech for serving as president in 2007, the presidential position was assumed by Cindy Davis. Other officers for 2008 are Ron Dowell, Vice President, Zona Lindemann, Secretary and Pete Addeo, Treasurer.


The treasurer’s report was approved as it appeared in the January newsletter.

The minutes for the November 2007 meeting were not available due to the absence of the secretary.

Storage Shed - Pete reported that the architect had still not given him the blueprints. He mentioned that our current budget for the shed...$3,000 donation from Friends of the Fort and $800 savings in the MIS account will not be enough funds to build the shed. He mentioned the possibility of asking "Friends" for more money. The shed will be 12 x 32, split in half and shared with the museum. However, after discussion, it was agreed that the costs need to be assimilated first.

It is hoped that the construction can be completed before the June 2008 show. Billie will contact the architect Steve Adler to see the status of the design. He has been promised a membership in the Missoula Iris Society and some free iris as compensation.


By Laws - Billie Gray suggested that the By Laws be read at the meeting. A program on the By Laws will be composed by Gary Clark and Ron Dunn.

Committee Assignments -

Median Show - No show this year

June Iris Show - Cindy Davis, Lynn Weger

Tour - Billie Gray, Carol Addeo, Fred Frey and Alayne Hilditch

Photographer/Historian/Scrapbook - Donna Dowell. Donna mentioned wanting to purchase a software program entitled "Creative Memories" which would allow her to put our photos each year in booklet form to save our history. The program costs $49.95. It was agreed that she could use part of her $100 budget for this program.

Display Garden at Fort Missoula - Not mentioned in the meeting,

Programs - Discussion of what a good job Fred Frey did last year. We think he volunteered to do it again. Sometimes it's not clear whether they volunteered or got railroaded into it.

Publicity - Fred Frey

Rhizome Iris Sale - Pete and Carol Addeo volunteered to chair and provide the yard sorting in July.

Sunshine - No mention

Newsletter - Pete and Carol Addeo

Membership - No mention

ByLaws Committee - Swede Gustafson, Pete Addeo and Alverta Symes

Meeting Locations - Carol Addeo

Tour Discussion - Some discussion about the need to line up host gardens for next years tour. It was believed that the Bylaws for Missoula Iris Society requires the tour gardens have a minimum of iris planted. Therefore, the bylaws may need to be re-written. A bylaws committee was formed to research this matter.

Rhizome Sale - Some discussion by last years Rhizome Sale Chair Ron Dowell that a handful of people did 90% of the work and that training was needed for a new chairman. Swede volunteered to do a program on preparing iris for the sale at the May meeting. He also reminded everyone to get their list of iris to Alverta Symes. President Cindy urged everyone to give thought to the sale this year and help as much as possible.

Meeting Locations and Schedule of Events- Gary Clark suggested we plan at least one meeting during the year at a local restaurant banquet room. Some discussion of the cost involved. No decision was made. We also mentioned some meetings could be held at the Fort Gardens as a work party.

Carol Addeo asked for volunteers to host upcoming meetings. Following is a schedule of upcoming meetings and events:

February 2 - Meeting and potluck at Billie Gray's

March 1 - Meeting and potluck at Honk Meyer's

April 5 - Meeting and potluck at Gary Clark's

May 3 - Meeting and potluck at Pete and Carol Addeo's

Program: Preparing iris for the sale by Swede Gustafson

Saturday, June 7 - MIS Tour

Sunday, June 8 - Meeting and potluck at Elizabeth Friesz in Alberton

Saturday, June 14 - Iris Show at Southgate Mall, banquet dinner to be announced.

Saturday, July 12 - Meeting and potluck at Jim and Linda Sadlers

Sunday July 19 - Fort Gardens digging, trimming and cleaning for the sale

Tuesday, July 22 -July 23- Drop off rhizomes for sale at Addeo home

Wednesday July 23 -Friday July 25 - Work party at Addeo home for sale

Friday evening, July 25 - After sorting potluck party at Addeo's

Saturday, July 26 - Rhizome Sale at the Fort Gardens 9 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

After Sale party at Billie Gray's home at 1:15 p.m.

August - No meeting

September 6 - Meeting and potluck to be announced

October 4 - Meeting and potluck to be announced

November 1 - Meeting and potluck to be announced

Sunday, December 7 - Christmas Party to be announced

Presidential Rhizome - The January rhizome was won by Tom Thompson.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:20

Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn Addeo

Acting Secretary in the absence of Zona Lindemann


The tomatoes in a woman's garden wouldn't ripen. So she goes to her neighbor and says, ``What can I do about it?'' Her neighbor replies, ``Well, it may sound absurd but here's what to do. Tonight there's no moon. After dark go out into your garden and take all your clothes off. Tomatoes can see in the dark and they'll be embarrassed and blush. In the morning they'll all be red, you'll see.'' Well, what the heck? She does it. Next day her neighbor asks how it worked. ``So-so,'' she answers. ``The tomatoes are still green but the cucumbers are all four inches longer.''

A weed is a plant that has mastered every survival skill except for learning how to grow in rows.

"Why are husbands like lawn mowers?

They are difficult to get started, emit foul smells and don't work half the time"

See y’all at the meetin