11 nov 2005


Here is the November Newsletter. This month the meeting has been delayed one week due to various conflicts with several officers and giving Billie an extra week of recovery from surgery. Everything was reset and the meeting will be at Billie Gray�s house one week later. This will be a fun meeting as we will be having our 2nd annual Trivia Contest with the boys against the girls to see who knows their iris better. Last year we boys won, but the girls objected and of course, we boys didn�t stand a chance to be the winners. So this year, we will be keeping score�.very carefully and accurately too.

DATE & TIME: Saturday, November 12, 2005 at 6:30pm with potluck dinner

PLACE: Home of Billie Gray. Call 543-3480 for directions.

AGENDA: Form audit committee, set a board meeting for the budget meeting, elect officers for 2006, distribute & sell calendars.

PROGRAM: Iris Trivia Game. The boys against the girls. Lots of fun and we boys will be keeping score this year.


November 12th - Meeting at Billie Gray's

December 3rd - Saturday � 4:00 PM. Annual Christmas Party & gift exchange hosted by Ken & Rose Mary Baier. Mark your calendars. Pot luck and smoked turkey dinner. BYOB.

It's Their Birthday!!....Let's Give 'Em a Cheer!!!

Happy day to Elinor Utech � November 21st, Kalli Rose Wurth, November 10th, Mary Ellen Davis, November 1st, Pat Ryan, November 14th, and Donna Dowell, November 3rd, Have a happy birthday and all the good wishes and cheers that go along with it.


Checking Account

September 30 Balance $ 33.89

October income 342.50

Total 376.59

October expenses 147.00

October 31 Balance $229.39


Sprinkler system winterize $ 48.00

2006 Iris calendar purchase 99.00

Total $147.00


Transfer from Savings $300.00

Excess Sod purchase 6.00

Plant marker sales 6.50

Siberian Iris sales 30.00

Total $342.50

NOTICE!!!!!!!! From the Treasurer: To ALL Activity chair persons and club members!!!!!!!!!!

The Treasurer will close the fiscal year books on November 30 to prepare the financial statements for the annual audit as required by our By Laws. ALL outstanding expenses need to be in the Treasure�s hands by that date or they will not be paid. Whatever is not paid can affect the budget process of an activity for the coming 2006 year.

The preliminary 2006 budget will need to be determined prior to the printing of the December Newsletter. Therefore, a meeting of ALL current activity chairs and the Board of Directors will need to be scheduled during the month of November. The Treasurer will prepare a financial statement for each activity chair.

Activity Chairs for ---- The Annual Iris Show

The Annual Iris Sale

The Iris Tour and Celebration

The Fort Garden

The Region 11 RVP

General Club Operation Expenditures � The Treasurer

Swede Gustafson

MIS treasurer

Notice from Ann Violette: AIS MEMBERS who need to renew their membership before Dec 31/05 they are ......... Pete and Carol Addeo, David Durnford, Wayne and Hazel Richlie, James and Nancy Ryan, and Patrick Waverling. All are due by 12/31/05 all are from Missoula . And for new members NOW would be a great time to Join AIS.

Correction to last month's newsletter: Bob Symes' birthday is October 31 not October 25th as reported in the newsletter. Sounds like a Halloween birthday to me.

President and newsletter editor would like everyone to send info on your birthday to him and email address if we don't have it.

Minutes of the Missoula Iris Society Meeting, Saturday, October 8, 2005

The meeting was called to order by President Pete Addeo at 7:50 p.m. at the home of the Addeo's.

Minutes - The minutes from the September meeting were approved as they appeared in the October newsletter .

Treasurers Report - Read by Carol Addeo in the absence of the treasurer

Checking balance as of August 31 $1219.08

Deposits 134.66

Sub-total $1353.74

Expenses paid 1319.85

Balance $33.89

Expenses Paid:

Fort Garden Renovation $278.10

Sprinkler system renovation & repairs 882.43

Sunshine 30.00

Misc office expenses 26.35

RVPE Judges Training Expense 102.97

Total $1319.85

2005 Fort Garden Expense Report as of October 4, 2005 read by Carol Addeo in the absence of the treasurer.

A. Renovation of Dyke's beds and #5 finger bed

1. Sod cutter rental $30.00

2. Marchie's soil mix w/delivery 267.90

3. Garden edging products 126.43

4. Sod w/ delivery 100.00

5. 6"x6"x12' treated timber 34.65

6. Patio area concrete blocks 69.57

Total $628.55

B. Siberian Iris Purchase $159.00

C. Lawn area sprinkler system

renovation 670.93

Electronic sprinkler system

controller 161.50

Total renovation costs: $1619.98

D. Maintenance Costs paid to Oct 4, 2005

1. Sign repairs $12.97

2. Work party goodies 9.98

3. Registration/introduction books 154.00

4. Sprinkler system repairs 50.00

5. Groundskeeper expense 00.00

Total 226.95

Total expenses paid $1846.93

Budgeted for 2005 Fort Garden $1950.00

Balance remaining: $103.07


2006 Tour - Carol reported that she and Billie Gray had toured several gardens in order to select several for our 2006 tour. Additional yard suggestions were Tony Cesare in the Rattlesnake and Joslin Syler.

2006 AIS Calendars -Ann reported the calendars will be available for order by mid-October. Pete will order.


New members - Pete asked that new members provide their birthdays and e mail addresses for the newsletter.

Officer Nominations - Ann Violette announced the nominations for officers for 2006 are:

Pete Addeo, President

Jim Sadler, Vice President

Carol Addeo, Secretary

Swede Gustafson, Treasurer with Zona Lindemann as Treasurer Trainee

Additional nominations were called for from the floor; none were forthcoming.

The subject of requiring officers to serve two years was discussed, possibly changing the bylaws. The general consensus seemed to be to leave the bylaws as is and not to make a stringent requirement at this time although no vote was called for this topic.

Signs for the Fort - Bob Symes reported there are three signs ready to be used for fort directions to the gardens. They will be painted and presented to Bob Brown of the Historical Museum for approval to place at junctions leading to the gardens. Carol reported she had contacted Bob Brown a few weeks ago about placing direction signs and he wanted to approve the signs first.

Siberians: Carol announced that Swede delivered a bucket full of siberians, dug from the fort and they were available for $2.00 each, to benefit MIS.

November meeting - Ann ordered the trivia game slides for the November meeting to be held at Billie Gray's.

Halloween Night Party - Rosemary and Ken Baier invited everyone to join them for chili supper and party for Halloween Eve.

Presidential Rhizomes - The rhizome drawing was won by Zona Lindemann.

The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. .

Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn Addeo
