07 jul 2006


Here is the July Newsletter. This is a very important newsletter as it contains a lot of info that each of you needs to know about the upcoming events.

Vice-President Jim Sadler will lead the meeting as Pete and Carol Addeo are off for an RV driving tour through Canada and Alaska; salmon fishing and halibut fishing, here we come!

A secretary is needed for the July minutes; any volunteers?

The agenda for the meeting will no doubt be on plans for the rhizome sale on July 29, 2006. Any questions should be directed to Ron Dowell, Sale Chair or Alverta Symes, Co-chair.

DATE & TIME: Saturday, July 8, 2006 at 6:30pm with potluck dinner

PLACE: Home of Jim & Linda Sadler in the Target Range area. Call 728-4743 for

PROGRAM: The program will be a demonstration on digging, trimming, cleaning and marking rhizomes for the sale. How timely! Great information for new members.


What's Happening:

No August meeting.

Welcome to new members: Lois Asch, 19855 Molly Lane, Florence, MT 59833 - Phone 273-3376 and Ben F. and Elaine Ayers of 393 Charlos Loop, Hamilton, MT 59840. Phone 363-5202. Add their names to your membership list. Happy Birthday to new member Lois Asch, who turned 76 on June 29th.

The tour was a great success for our first time "charge tour". Thinking is we will do the tour every other year, so as not to conflict with the Caras Nursery tour. We had about 84 paid attendees. And we had about 19 members who volunteered their time to help host the gardens or sell tickets. A big appreciation to you all.

Our 50th anniversary and 25th garden anniversary banquet was well attended and a lot of fun. The caterers served dinner to 39 people and the food was great. Thanks to Jim Sadler for helping to organize and for leading the festivities; others who helped organize included Billie Gray, Pete Addeo, Carol Addeo, and Swede and Betty Ann Gustafson. Thanks to Ken and Rose Mary Baier for use of their china dinner settings and silverware.

The four arbors were up and looking proud, thanks to Swede Gustafson. The initial work party was Swede, Pete Addeo and Ron Dowell; when they got rained out, they adjourned to Swede's garage to put them together. Then, Swede spent the equivalent of a full week's work, plus overtime, to get the holes dug and the reinforcement just right. Nice to be retired, huh Swede?

RHIZOME SALE July 29th - 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. After Sale Party at Billie Gray's home

This is our most important fund raising event of the year, so everyone chip in and help if you can. Dig, dig, dig as we only have a limited amount of rhizomes to dig at the Fort Gardens this year.

MARKER TAGS - Will be available at the meeting from Ron Dowell.

RHIZOME SALE GUIDELINES: The collection location will be at Gary Clark's yard. Rhizomes can be delivered to his garage beginning Tuesday of that week but no later than Wednesday by 9 p.m. Please read the Pre-Sale guidelines carefully. These guidelines were put together to avoid confusion during the sale preparation on Thursday and Friday.

1. Iris rhizomes shall be grown by MIS members only.

2. All rhizomes are to be washed, trimmed and labeled as to variety and type prior to delivery to the collection site. Trim fans to about 4 inches - 6 inches depending on type and roots to about 4 inches. MIS will provide labels. These labels should be stapled to the leaves (or tied securely). MD's and SDB's should be in bundles of three rhizomes. IB's and MTB's should be in bundles of two rhizomes. Beardless iris are to be in clumps. Siberian iris are to be in buckets of water or kept moist in plastic bags.

3. Iris varieties introduced 30 years or more before the year of the sale are to be labeled with year of introduction and separated from newer varieties.

4. Pricing of rhizomes is at the discretion of the sale committee. Age is considered but not color for setting the price.

5. All rhizomes are to be delivered to the designated collection site by 9 p.m. Wednesday preceding the sale.

6. Sorting, etc. will be done on Thursday and completed on Friday. Chairperson to select committee of MIS members to assist in this process.

7. There are no pre-sale orders.


Saturday, July 8th - Meeting at 6:30. Get your rhizome tags there and learn how to dig and prepare for the sale.

Sunday, July 23 - Digging rhizomes at the Fort Gardens. Everyone welcome. Bring your drinks and snacks.

Tuesday, July 25th - July 26th - Bring your cleaned and marked rhizomes to Gary's house; place in garage.

Thursday, July 27th thru July 28th - Help to sort, clean, mark. Bring your own drinks and snacks.

Friday evening - July 28th - Bring an ingredient for the stone soup to Gary's house about 5:00 p.m. Help to load.

Saturday, July 29th - Help at the sale.7:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Bring your pitchfork for the barrier.

Saturday, July 29th - 1:20 p.m. - After sale picnic party at Billie Gray's. Bring your bucks for the rhizome auction of newer varieties. Presidential rhizomes will be given out to this years winners.


1. There is no trading of rhizomes among members at the collection site. Members are encouraged to share or trade before bringing rhizomes to the collection site.

2. The sale chairperson shall determine which varieties may be traded/purchased by the MIS members. The trading/sale hours are Thursday, 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. and Friday, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

3. Members donating rhizomes may:

A. Take one rhizome for each variety donated (no matter how many of any one variety are donated)

B. Take like variety donated (SDB for SDB, TB for TB, etc.

C. Take no more than one (1) rhizome of any one variety.

D. May not choose from a variety that has fewer than six (6) rhizomes in the box.

4. Member not donating rhizomes may purchase rhizomes (with the above restrictions).

5. Varieties 5 years and newer from date of introduction will be so marked and priced accordingly. Fort Display Garden Chairperson has first choice of any varieties.

6. Grab Bags of iris rhizomes may be made up of unamed or overstocked varieties at discretion of the chairperson by Friday.


It's Their Birthday!!....Let's Give 'Em a Cheer!!!

Happy day to Kris Crawford � July 8th, Betty Fred Frey � July 20th, Bev Gutman � July 3rd, Billie Gray � July 12th, and Cindy Davis � July 5th. Have a happy birthday and all the good wishes and cheers that go along.

Meeting Locations and Activities for the rest of 2006:

July 8 - Meeting at Jim Sadler's

July 29th - Iris sale 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., then after sale pizza and chicken party at Billie Gray's

August - No meeting

September 9th - Meeting at Bob and Alverta Symes

October 7 - Hostess is Zona Lindemann. Location to be announced.

November 4th - Meeting at Billie Gray's

Sunday December 3 or Sat Dec 2- - Christmas party and gift exchange at Ken and Rose Mary Baier's


There were 54 entries in the show; the theme was "Glory in the Garden". Congratulations to all the winners of our Annual Iris Show. It seems that Gary has taken much of the show again this year. That's three years in a row! Congrats, Gary. Here is a listing of the iris show winners and their entries:

Best of Show - Lullaby of Spring - Gary Clark

1st Runner Up and best lavender - Mary Francis - Gary Clark

2nd Runner Up and best Space Age - Thorn Bird - M. Elizabeth Friesz

3rd Runner Up and best white - Lonesome Stranger - M. Elizabeth Friesz

Best Banded - Welch's Reward - Alverta Symes

Best Blend - Burnt Toffee - M. Elizabeth Friesz

Best Purple - Swingtown - Gary Clark

Best Orange - Magical Kingdom - Gary Clark

Best Pink - Bermuda Beach - Gary Clark

Best Species - Iris Setosa - Gary Clark

Best Bi Color, Best tall bearded, Best of Show - Lullaby of Spring - Gary Clark

Artistic Arrangements:

Best of Show - Twice In a Season - by Ron Dowell

Overall blue ribbon winners:

Gary Clark - 10 blue

M. Elizabeth Friesz - 6 blue

A special thanks to the 12 supporting businesses who donated great gift certificates to the winners: Marchie's Nursery, Cottage Garden Greenhouse in Stevensville, Wigens Nursery at Rosauers, Delaney's Nursery in Polson, Pink Grizzly in Missoula, South Shore Greenhouse in Polson, Bitterroot Nursery in Hamilton, Flower Haus in Lolo and Western Title and Escrow.

Minutes of the Missoula Iris Society Meeting, Saturday, June 3, 2006

The meeting was called to order by President Pete Addeo at his home at 8:02 p.m.


Minutes - The minutes of the May, 2006 meeting were approved as presented in the June MIS newsletter.

Treasurers Report

April 30th reported balance $801.04

Deposits None

Expenditures (2 checks) 49.98

May 31 Balance $751.06

Savings account - No activity

Balance as reported April 30, 2006


Show: Alverta Symes called for clerk volunteers. Entry clerks will be Betty Ann Gustafson and Cindy Davis. Two to three runners are also needed. Set-up will be Friday evening at 8:00 p.m. Discussion of cleaning the silver; Gary Clark was volunteered since he was absent. Two young guys are needed to help Honk load the pick up on Friday evening; well, we don't have any young guys, so how about two strong guys? Entry tags will be available on Friday evening.

Judges Training: Paul Black will be holding accredited judges' training Sunday, June 18 from 10:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m. The session will be held at First American Title, 1006 W. Sussex

Tour: The Tour Gardens have been set. The following members volunteered to host the gardens on Saturday, June 17 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

1. Iris Gardens at Fort Missoula - Ernie Lucero and Cindi Davis

2. Fred Frey off Mullen Road - Ron and Donna Dowell

3. Jim Sadler in Target Range - Jim and Linda Sadler

4. Billie Gray in Central Missoula - Ronn Dunn, Zona Lindemann, Elinor Utech

5. Chris Rock on Spurgeon Road - Swede and Betty Ann Gustafson; relieved by Billie Gray

6. Alayne Hildritch up Grant Creek - Pete and Carol Addeo

7. Bertie Pearson in Southwest Missoula - Sonia Dellapiazza and Lynn Weger

Friday night everyone working on tour should meet at Fort Gardens at 6:00 p.m. for a pre-tour of the gardens.

Publicity: Posters were delivered to 35 or more locations by Lynn Weger. Billie Gray delivered posters to several nurseries.

25th Celebration: The tents, tables, chairs are reserved for rental. Jim Sadler reported a Sweet Pea would be rented, too. Swede and Betty Ann will host the social hour at 5:00 p.m. Help will be needed for table set up and with clean up. Dirty dishes and silverware will be taken to Addeo's home for dishwashing.

Fort Gardens: A work party is called for tomorrow, Sunday June 4th to begin installation of the arbors. Bring shovels and post hole diggers.

Sale Work Party: Alverta has called for a card file work party at her home tomorrow, Sunday June 4 at 1:00 p.m. Those who cannot work at the Fort Gardens can chip in with help on the cards. Alverta took 52 pictures at the iris gardens.

Presidential Rhizome - Fred Frey won the Presidential Rhizome. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn Addeo



(Members should place this addendum in their bylaws booklet)

Missoula Iris Society Board of Director's Meeting

The Board of Director's of the Missoula Iris Society met on Tuesday, June 6, 2006 at the home of Addeo's. In attendance was President Pete Addeo, Vice President Jim Sadler, Secretary Carol Addeo and member Elinor Utech.

Memorials - Discussion of a previous memorial policy set by the Board of Directors at a May 11, 2000 meeting when it was decided to not allow the Display Iris Gardens at Fort Missoula become a memorial park.

The exact wording of the motion which was voted on and passed was, "It is the board's wish that the Display Iris Gardens at Fort Missoula not become a memorial park. We propose to make it our policy that future memoriam monies received in honor of someone should be incorporated into the Missoula Iris Society general funds to be used where necessary at the discretion of the group. A thank you note will be sent to the donor with a notation that MIS is non profit and the donation is tax deductible. MIS will determine the best use of the funds as needed."

The membership agreed with the board at the June 3, 2000 meeting and Elinor Utech added the following motion: "If we receive any honorarium monies, we acknowledge the money with a thank you note. Monies are to be placed in the general fund for the benefit of and at the discretion of the club." The secretary will write the thank you notes. The motion was seconded by Alverta Symes and passed.

Today on June 6, 2006 at this meeting, the Board of Director's reaffirmed the May 2000 and June 2000 motions and voted to make this original motion an addendum to the ByLaws. The secretary will create the addendum and place it in the ByLaws.

The Board of Director meeting adjourned at 1:20 p.m.


Peter S. Addeo,
