12 dec 2004


Here is the December Newsletter. There is no official meeting this month, but instead we have our annual Christmas Party on December 5th. This is a fun event and you should all plan to attend. We have lots of food and fun and the gift exchange program which will make the night worthwhile. It is a very fun event and we hope you will all try to make it. Don't forget your gift for the exchange. We have put a cost of $12.00 or less for the gift.

IMPORTANT NOTE: It has come to our attention that next year, 2005, is not really our 25th anniversary year for the club. It seems that Elinor has done some checking and we broke ground at the fort in 1981 and started planting in 1982. So if you do the math, that would make our 25th anniversary year 2006. So we have really gotten a big head start on all the planning and setup for the event. We will now have plenty of time to really plan for the big event and get everything in order well in advance.

Pete Addeo, Webmaster

Missoula Iris Society


DATE & TIME: December Xmas Party - Sunday, December 5, 2004 at 4:00pm

PLACE: Home of Ken and Rose Mary Baier. Call 542-2503 for directions. BYOB for the happy hours beginning at 4:00 pm. This is the usual pot luck, with a special treat of a turkey provided by Carol Addeo, mashed potatoes provided by Betty Ann Gustafson and clean up coordinated by Elinor Utech. The idea is to have a great party without imposing on our host and hostess too much. Don't forget to bring your $12.00 garden gift for the fun gift exchange.




Annual Dues - Dues for 2005 will be due soon at the new rate of $8.00 per person

Calendar Orders - Anyone who wants a beautiful iris calendar for 2005 should contact Elnor Utech right away. You may call her at 549-1054. They sell for $4.00 each and they are really beautiful and useful.

Plant Markers - Swede has some big plant markers for sale at half price to get them out of his garage. They are the 2" x 4" markers like the ones used at the Fort Gardens. He has over 360 markers available for 30 cents each or 10 for $2.75. What a bargain.


The treasurer reported on November 24, 2004 that he has done some final calculations for the actual finances available for the coming year and Yahoo! there is more money available to spend. So he has slightly altered the figures from the ones voted on at the November meeting. The following figures do include projected income from dues, allow addition money for a visiting judge and the present ending balances for the checking and savings account.

Proposed Budget for 2005:

Show $400.00

Show Judge $500.00

Sale $500.00

Tour/25th Celebration $1,300.00

Fort Garden/Renovation $1,650.00

Education/Newsletter $450.00

General Club Operation $716.00


It's Their Birthday!!....Let's Give 'Em a Cheer!!!

Happy day to Nancy Ryan - December 19th, Swede Gustafson - December 26th, and Ron Dowell - December 11th. Have a happy birthday and all the good wishes and cheers that go along with it

Minutes of the Missoula Iris Society Meeting, Saturday, November 6, 2004

The meeting was called to order by President Jim Sadler at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Bob and Alverta Symes.

Minutes - The minutes from the October meeting were approved as printed in the newsletter. The Board Meeting minutes of October 20, 2004 minutes were approved with one correction: On page 3 of the minutes, the budget amount for the Iris Show should have shown $400, not $200.

Treasurers Report for October:

Checking Account ending balance on 9/30/04: $170.51

Income: Transfer from Savings $500.00

Plant marker sales $ 12.25

Return of sprinkler supplies $ 15.03


Expenses paid from checking account were:

Zona Lindemann, Fort maintenance,22.5 hrs $151.30

Scott Owen Sprinklers - winterizing $ 45.00

Zona Lindemann- sprinkler repairs $ 3.25

Big Sky Publications, newsletters 3 mos $ 75.00

Big Sky Publications - address stamp $ 21.00

Total: $295.65

Checking Balance ending October 31, 2004: $402.24


Treasurer's Reminder - All expense reimbursement requests must be in the treasurer's hand by November 25, 2004 so the accounting books can be closed in time for the auditors, otherwise you will not be reimbursed until the budget for 2005 is approved. This is an extension of 10 days from past years cutoff date.

25th Anniversary Committee - Jim reported that a brainstorm meeting was held at the home of Carol Addeo. Those ideas appeared in the November 2004 newsletter which can be viewed on the website.

Carol Addeo will submit an article to the AIS Bulletin by the deadline before Thanksgiving. Additional ideas discussed at the current meeting include a rededication after the tour or sponsorships of businesses, such as title companies. Discussion of three events throughout the season, perhaps the third would be a celebration after the renovation is completed in September.

The tour will be a fundraising for the Fort Garden. Tickets will be sold with perhaps a fundraising dinner as well. Another meeting of the 25th Anniversery Committee is set for Thurs, November 11 at the Addeo home at 3:30.

Iris Show - Show date is scheduled for second Saturday in June, June 11, 2005.

Tour Date - The tour date is reserved at the fort garden for Saturday, June 18, 2005. The event would be a self-driving tour and would be a fee charged tour instead of free as in the past. The idea is to earn money to support the Fort Gardens, instead of spending it.

Christmas Party - Elinor reported that Rose Mary and Ken Baier would welcome us to their home for the annual Christmas party, planned for the first Sunday in December, December 5th. A Christmas Party Committee of Elinor Utech, Betty Ann Gustafson and Carol Addeo will be in charge of providing turkey, set up and clean up for the party. Members should bring their own bottles for the happy hours starting at 4:00 p.m. The gift exchange ($12.00 or less) was explained to new members.


2005 Officers - The nominations for 2005 officers include President, Pete Addeo, Vice President Jim Sadler, Secretary Carol Addeo, Treasurer Swede Gustafson, with Zona Lindemann as Treasurer in Training. A motion was made by Billie Gray to elect these officers for 2005; the motion was seconded by Cindy Davis and passed. No one was opposed.

2005 Budget - Swede explained that the 2005 budget of $5,331 is based on balance in checking account at year end, general savings balance and rhizome sale deposits. The show budget should be $400, not the $200 reported in the newsletter. The show cost needs to include additional money for an out of state judge to come here. Right now the judges fund is only at $300; Swede estimates we will need $700 if the judge comes from out of state, because we cover their travel expenses and meal expenses. Ann is working on getting a judge for next year. Swede commented "if we are having a visiting judge, we need more money in the show budget."

Show budget now will cover ribbons, posters. judge tags. $4.00 for judges lunch; he noted that a $75 check written last summer to a visiting judge was never cashed.

A motion was made by Sonia Dellapiazza, seconded by Cindy Davis to accept the budget of approximately $5,331, based on the end of year balances. No additional money was allocated for a visiting judge at this meeting.

Yaquina Blue Missing - Gary said that Yaquina Blue, a 2001 Dykes winner, is missing from the Dykes bed. If anyone has this iris variety, please share a rhizome to replace the missing one.

2005 Calendars - AIS calendar orders are being coordinated by Elinor Utech. A sign-up sheet for calendars was passed around. The club buys them for $3.00 and sells them for $4.00 to members.

Mystery Dinner - Discussion of a fun mystery dinner next year. Cleo Swanson offered to host a mystery dinner for the March meeting, the first Saturday in March. Alverta will help her. More about this special event later.

2005 Dues Increase - The Board of Directors have voted to increase the annual dues to $8.00 per person per year. No membership vote is needed.

Auditing Committee - The Auditing Committee is Zona Lindemann, Alverta Symes and Bob Symes

Presidential Rhizome -Carol Addeo won the rhizome drawing for November.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Carol Addeo, Secretary


Missoula Iris Society Committee Meeting - Thursday, November 11, 2004 at 3:40 pm.

A brief meeting was held Thursday, November 11, 2004 at 3:40 p.m. at the home of Carol Addeo. Present were President Jim Sadler, Secretary Carol Addeo and member Elinor Utech.

Subject was the budget funding for an out of state visiting judge. Per Treasurer Swede Gustafson, additional funds of $500.00 need to be allocated to the show budget to cover costs in the event an out of state judge accepts our invitation. This additional funding would cover travel, lodging and meal expenses. Ann Violette is working on getting a visiting judge for the 2005 show and for a judges training session.

The committee suggested we transfer $500 from the Fort Gardens budget to the Show Budget in the event the funds are needed for the visiting judge. If the funds are not needed for the visiting judge, they will be returned to the Fort Gardens budget.

Respectfully submitted,

Carol Addeo, Secretary