October 2015

MEETING TIME: Meeting will be Saturday, October 3, 2015, at Fort Missoula Bldg T-1 at 6:30 p.m. Pot luck supper.

It’s a no-host meeting so everyone bring your own drinks in addition to the supper dish.

FYI: Workday at the Fort on Sunday, October 4, 10.00, to put the garden to bed!


As of September 24, 2015:

Savings: I transferred $1000.00 to the checking account to pay an upcoming expenditure for the Fort Garden weeder and two minor expenses as listed in the checking account information below. The balance is $14.035.68.

Checking: Income to the account was the transfer from the savings account as above. The expenditures I paid during the month were $119.40 to Missoula Computes for the IX Web Site annual fee and $20.00 to Marchie's Nursery for new soil to plant the iris rhizomes obtained from Rockytop Gardens. The expenditure for the fellow who worked as the garden weeder has not been paid as I have not received a statement for the hours he worked at the garden. The current balance of the checking account is $1,152.24.

Respectfully submitted

Swede Gustafson, Treasurer


Missoula Iris Society meeting was called to order by President Donna Dowell at 7:10 p.m. at the Fort Missoula meeting location. Seven members were in attendance.

The minutes of the July meeting accepted as printed in the newsletter.

Treasurer’s report was also accepted.


Thank you to Fred Frey: Discussion of thanking Fred again for providing so many rhizomes. Fred was not in attendance, but he has been given two nice new rhizomes as a club thank you.

Payment to weeder: Carol reported that Arthur Befumo has left for college but apparently did not turn in his time sheets to be paid for the garden weeding. Carol will check with his mother.

Iris garden: Edd reported that all the iris are now planted in the garden. Over 100 new varieties were planted. All empty spots have been filled.


Work Party: A work session at the fort garden is scheduled for Sunday, October 4, for putting the beds to bed. This will only be weeding as Edd does not feel trimming is necessary. The work party begins at 10 a.m.

Pathway: The new paved path to the garden was discussed. It is wide enough for a wheel chair and makes a nice entrance to the garden from the street.

Elizabeth’s garden: Discussion of Elizabeth Friesz wanting to donate her iris to the club. Her offer came too late for this year’s sale. Even if members divided up her iris, we do not have room in our yards for many of her iris. No decision was made.

Programs: Donna passed a list for suggested programs.

October and November meeting: Host needed. No volunteers to host so all attendees should bring their own beverages.

Meeting location: Edd said he talked with the museum groundskeeper and confirmed we can probably hold our November meeting at Building T-1. Cindy volunteered to contact Carolyn Thompson at the Museum to verify our reservation for November 7. This meeting would be a combined annual board of directors meeting to set the budget and would begin at 5:00 p.m. Regular meeting and pot luck would begin at 6:30 p.m.

Pot luck sign-up: Donna suggested we do a signup each meeting for what dishes will be brought to the next meeting. No decision made.

Christmas party date: Carol will confirm with Billie on location and time in late October.

Presidential Rhizome winner: September winner is Edd Verplancke.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Carol Addeo, Secretary

Following the meeting, Edd presented a video of his and Anita’s trip to Germany.

Meeting locations 2015 and dates are as follows:

Saturday October 3 – 6:30 Meeting at Fort Missoula Bldg T-1, no host, bring own drinks

Sunday October 4 – 10 am Work Party at fort gardens “putting the beds to bed”

Saturday November 7, 4:30 pm probably Fort Missoula Bldg T-1, board meeting, regular meeting & potluck supper

Saturday or Sunday, December 5 or 6, 4:30 pm for Christmas party and turkey dinner and potluck at home of Billie Gray (tentative date)

Presidential Rhizomes:

September – Edd Verplancke

Check out our websites: www.missoulairis.com and www.sites.google.com/site/irismissoula