10 OCT 2011


DATE & TIME: Saturday, October 1, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. Usual potluck supper followed by the meeting.

PLACE: Home of Swede & Betty Ann Gustafson. Call 251-3526 for directions.

PROGRAM: No information on a planned program, but the meeting may include discussion of upcoming 2011 elections of club officers and choosing an audit committee.


Dues for 2011 can be paid anytime to MIS c/o Treasurer Swede Gustafson in the amount of $10 per person for the year. Any new member who joined MIS in July or later is fully paid for the year 2012 as well.

It's Their Birthday!!....Let's Give 'Em a Cheer!!!

Happy birthday to Jon Salmonson, October 8th; Judy Blunt, October 10th; Gary Clark, October 14th; Ernie Lucero, October 25th and Bob Symes, October 31st. Have a happy birthday all.


Savings Account:

August 28, 2011 reported Balance $11,563.90

Deposits 14.50

September 20, 2011 Balance $11,578.40

Deposit was from the sales for the last 3 iris rhizome

grab bags at the Farmer's Market through Billie Gray

Checking Account:

August 28, 2011 reported Balance $ 719.92

Expenses paid 39.46

September 20, 2011 Balance $ 680.46

There were no deposits made to this account during the past month, the expenses paid are as follows:- $20.14 to Swede Gustafson for the purchase of hardware to re-mount the hinges on the fort storage shed door; $19.32 to Betty Ann Gustafson for the purchase of three (3) plastic tubs to store the show vases and wood bases. Three of the original blue tubs are broken.

M. I. S. Minutes

Missoula Iris Society Minutes September 10, 2011

The Missoula Iris Society met at the home of Bob and Alverta Symes. The meeting began at 7:20 PM after a potluck dinner in which the Symes furnished delicious hamburgers. Three guests were present and 19 members were present.

Minutes from the previous meeting was approved as published.

The Corrected Treasurers report was approved .

Old Business: Pete and Carol Addeo were thanked for conducting a successful sale. Everyone commented on how well everything went and the amount of funds that were collected.

New Business: A work party was called to do a work part at the Fort Garden The date and time will be announced.

Cindy Davis was appointed head of the committee to audit the Books. Alverta and Bob Symes were added to the committee.

Alverta Symes called for a work party to work on the Iris Index Cards. The date was agreed upon as October 2, 2011 at 1:00 at the Symes home.

Drawing was held for the Presidential Rhizome and Laurie Kammerer won for August, and Jim Sadler won for September.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM.

Respectfully submitted.

Jim Sadler secretary


This has been a busy month for the financial activity for the Missoula Iris Society because of the iris rhizome sale. Lots of income and expenses have occurred since I last reported the financial figures in the July newsletter. The sale was an excellent one thanks to the large amount of rhizomes garnered from the gardens in Victor, MT and from members from Missoula. Thanks to all who contributed to and assisted with the sale.

So here are the figures for the past two months of activity.


The reported June 21, 2011 balance was $7,444.52. Total of deposits to the account through August 27, 2011 = $4,719.38. Withdrawn on July 29, 2011 was $600.00 in cash to set up the rhizome sale cash boxes.

The August 28, 2011 balance is $11,563.90.

Deposits: - $30.00 – Judges Training receipts; $3,977 in receipts from the rhizome sale day; $645 in receipts from grab bag sales; $45.00 in sales of siberian iris from Swede’s yard; and $2.38 from 2nd quarter interest income. Deposited on September 7 was $14.50 in receipts of grab bag sales throough Billie Gray at the Farmer's Market.

Therefore the new balance as of Sept 7, 2011 is $11,578.40


The June 21, 2011 reported balance was $478.62. Total of deposits made to the account through August 27, 2011 = $1,042.75.

Expenses paid since June 21 total $801.45.

The August 28, 2011 balance is $719.92.

Deposits: - $130.00 in new memberships; $149.85 from PawPaw plant marker sales at the rhizome sale; $105.00 from MIS Display Garden siberian iris sales; $437.40 from rhizome sale cash receipts to pay sale expenses; $120.50 from the rhizome auction at the After Sale party; $100.00 refund to the account for grab bag sales cash box set up funds. Total deposits = $1,042.75

Paid Expenses: - $25.15 to Alverta Symes reimbursement for meals for visiting show judge Jeanette Graham; $100.00 as annual membership to the Friends of the Historical Museum at Fort Missoula;

$60.00 to Judy Blunt for expenses incurred fro the June Ice Cream Social at Fort Missoula Display Gardens; $41.94 to Elizabeth Gustafson for Sunshine flowers to Donna Dowell following surgery; $24.75 to Papa Johns Pizza for dinner during the rhizome preparation work party at Fort Missoula; $160.00 to Star Rental for 20 tables rental fee during the rhizome sale; $17.22 to Alverta Symes for card file expenses; $31.30 to Carolyn Addeo for sale preparation food and drinks; $89.70 to Elizabeth Gustafson for food expenses incurred for the after sale celebration party;

$40.00 to Swede Gustafson for additional 5 tables rental fee during the rhizome sale paid by cash; $100.00 for Farmers Market cash box set up funds; $97.40 to the Missoulain for the rhizome sale advertisements; $8.99 to Elizabeth Gustafson for Sunshine expenses following Alverta Symes surgery; and $5.00 for table rental space at the Farmers Market.

Total Expenses paid = $801.45

The Certificate of Deposit can due on August 9, 2011 and was automatically rolled over for another year. The current balance is $3,671.54 and the interest percentage rate is 0.75%. The next maturity date will be August 9, 2012.

Respectfully submitted,

Swede Gustafson, Treasurer