12 dec 2006


Here is the December newsletter. It's getting close to our annual Christmas party. We hope that all of you can attend as we have sooooo much fun and sooo much food to enjoy.

DATE & TIME: Sunday, December 3rd

PLACE: Home of Billie Gray. Call 543-3480 for directions. The party begins at 4:00 p.m. with your preference of cocktails. BYOB. Turkey dinner with all the pot luck trimmings will begin at 6:00 p.m.

PROGRAM: Each member and guest should be sure to bring a gift valued at $12.00 or less for the gift exchange..


Dues of $9.00 per person are due now for 2007. The new treasurer will be Pete Addeo. You can pay at the meeting, or mail your check payable to Missoula Iris Society to Pete at 5805 Helena Dr, Missoula, MT 59803.

The new officers for 2007 are:

President Elinor Utech

Vice President Fred Frey

Secretary Zona Lindemann

Treasurer Pete Addeo

It's Their Birthday!!....Let's Give 'Em a Cheer!!!

Happy day to Ron Dowell - December 11th; John Hoar, December 27th; Swede Gustafson, December 26th; Nancy Ryan, December 19th; Ellen Schubarth, December 7th; Have a happy birthday all!

Treasurer's Report from Swede Gustafson:


Club Operations Account

Balance September 30 $2615.78

October deposits 9.00

Total 2624.78

October expenses 600.00

October 31 Balance $2024.78

Expenses: Transfer to checking - $300.00

Transfer to Building Fund - $300.00

to pay off the loan in 2005 for the sprinkler system upgrade

Account Summary:

Club Operations $2024.78

Judges Fund 375.43

Memorial Fund 301.92

Building Fund 865.47

2006 Rhizome Sale 3001.00

2006 Interest Income 11.70

Total balance $6580.30


September 30 Balance $ 471.05

October deposits 715.00

Total 1186.05

October expenses 499.44

October 31 Balance $ 686.61

Deposits - Transfer from Savings Account -$300.00, Rhizome Sale - $5.00, Missoula County Refund check for the Club's history book printing fees - $410.00. Total Deposits - $715.00: Expenses - Billie Gray - Fort Garden iris purchase from Suttons Iris Garden - $229.20, Carol Addeo - Gravel cost to lay bedding for the block walls - $15.00, Swede Gustafson - $171.40 for purchase of landscaping blocks around the siberian bed, Marchies Nursery - for purchase of lawn edging materials - $83.84. Total Expenses - 499.44

MIS Board Meeting - The minutes of the recent Board Meeting will follow. The proposed budget for 2007 will be part of those minutes. Please review it and be prepared to discuss it and vote on it at the January meeting.

Missoula Iris Society Board of Director's Meeting

The Board of Director's of the Missoula Iris Society met on Sunday, November 5, 2006 at the home of Gustafson's. In attendance were President Pete Addeo, Vice President Jim Sadler, Secretary Carol Addeo, Treasurer Swede Gustafson, President-elect Elinor Utech, Secretary-elect Zona Lindemann, members Billie Gray, Alverta Symes and Betty Ann Gustafson.

The meeting was called to order by President Pete at 2:00 p.m. The purpose of this meeting was to set the preliminary budget for 2007.

Fort Gardens - Some discussion preceded the budget portion with discussion of the Fort Gardens rotation cost, including soil renewal when clumps are dug for the sale. There should not be any hardscape or irrigation renovation costs next year. There may be some maintenance costs, repairs, or hiring help. Discussion of placing a decorative fence on the south side of the gardens to prevent wedding parties from pushing tent stakes into the sprinkler lines. It was suggested that we request Bob Brown of the historical museum put instructions in writing to these folks to stay 8 feet from the gardens.

Chairs for 2007 - Elinor announced that Jim Sadler has agreed to chair the Iris Show and Gary Clark has agreed to chair the median show. Carol Addeo will be meeting locator for the year.

Storage Building Fund - Discussion of purchasing a pre-built storage shed in either sizes 10 x 12 or 12 x 16, for storage of lawnmower, tools, wheelbarrow, show and sale supplies. We already have $865.47 set aside in a saving fund for the shed, plus we will add any extra budget funds to a storage fund.

January meeting - Jim Sadler offered to reserve his church for the January meeting. He will confirm later.

Dates for Events - The following dates were set for our public activities in 2007:

Median Show - Saturday May 19th or Sunday May 20

Iris Show - Saturday June 9th at Southgate Mall

Rhizome Sale - Saturday July 28th.

Tentative Budget for 2007 - The budget was set at $6,305 (see addendum to the minutes) with the exact items on a separate page herein and made a part of the Board of Director's minutes. The final budget will be voted on by the general membership at the January meeting.

The Board of Director meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn Addeo


ADDENDUM TO THE MINUTES: The total budget was increased slightly after the meeting to include estimated income from membership dues in 2007.



Median show $300

Iris Show $400

Special Guest Judge $725

Tour 2008 $100

Rhizome Sale $600

Fort Gardens

Maintenance $850

Renovations/repairs $1,100

Shed building fund $857


Newsletter $400

Programs 50


Sunshine $200

Filing Fee 15

Friends of Fort 100

Presidential Rhizomes 300

Region RVP Donation 50

Membership information $100

Miscellaneous 8

Card File Maintenance 50

Historian/photographer 100

Tentative Budget $6,305

Last years expenses: $5,788.67

This years budget based on balance in savings and checking account of $5,623 plus estimated membership dues income.

Minutes of the Missoula Iris Society Meeting, Saturday, November 4, 2006

The meeting was called to order by President Pete Addeo at 7:33 p.m. at the home of Gary Clark.

Welcome back to Claudia Brown, Ann Violette and Rose Mary and Ken Baier.

Minutes - The minutes of the October 7, 2006 meeting were approved as they appeared in the November newsletter.

Treasurers Report was read by Treasurer Swede Gustafson.

Savings Account as of October 31 $6,580.30

Checking Account Balance as of October 31 $686.61

All bills must be turned in to the treasurer by November 15, 2006. Books will be closed on December 1, 2006 for an audit. The audit will be scheduled around December 10, 2006.


Newsletter - Discussion of the new name, "Falls and Standards." Pete told everyone to check the website missoulairis.com to see the information for prospective members, including an application to join.

Card File Work Party - Scheduled for Saturday 1:00 p.m. on November 11, 2006 at Cleo Swanson's home. Alverta needs all the help she can get. Updated lists of member's iris collection are needed. Send to Alverta.

Christmas Party - Scheduled for Sunday December 3, 4:00 p.m. at the home of Billie Gray. Explanation of the gift exchange followed.

Thanks given to Rose Mary and Ken for all the years they have hosted the Christmas Party.

Officer nominations for 2007 - The President listed the nominations for next year and called for any additional nominations. No additional nominations were offered.

President: Eleanor Utech

Vice President: Fred Frey

Secretary: Zona Lindemann

Treasurer: Pete Addeo

A motion was made by Jim Sadler that we accept the nominations as presented, seconded by Alverta Symes and passed. The slate of new officers will take office on January 1, 2007.


Web Site - Pete announced that there is now a section on our web site for an introduction to prospective new members. Our domain name of missoulairis.com was temporarily lost but has now been renewed.

Budget Board Meeting - The budget for 2007 will be proposed at a board meeting on Sunday, November 5, 2006 at the home of Swede and Betty Ann Gustafson a 2:00 p.m. All members are invited to attend.

Lynn Weger - Elinor asked if anyone knew if Lynn Weger was back in town yet. She was apparently out of town for her mother's recent passing.

Thanks MIS - Rose Mary thanked MIS for their support during her recent illness.

Presidential Rhizome - Won by Donna Dowell.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn Addeo
