02 feb 2006


Here is the February Newsletter. We are striving to make all the meetings as interesting as possible for everyone and be fun and informative as well. Each month we will have a different program presented by different members that will discuss items of interest to all of us. This will be a great time to learn more about all different phases of gardening and iris. If you would like to volunteer your expertise in something that you know about, please contact Jim Sadler and we will arrange for you to host one of the meetings for your presentation.

The annual dues of $9.00 are due now and if you are not paid up by the end of February, then this will be the last newsletter you will receive. We are sending out the new 2006 Membership Lists as well and if you are not current then you will not receive the latest revised membership list as well.

Pete Addeo,

Webmaster & President

Missoula Iris Society


DATE & TIME: Saturday, February 4, 2006 at 6:30pm with potluck dinner

PLACE: Home of Honk Meyer. Call 251-5800 for directions.

AGENDA: Pruning by Jim Cook


From the President & Newsletter Editor � Please send me your birth date (year not necessary) by email or call me at 251-5833. We would like to keep our newsletter and membership lists updated each month. Please help keep us informed of your email address as well so we can send you important messages as they are needed.

Calendars � The 2006 Iris calendars are here now and for sale at $6.00 each. Makes wonderful gifts and you should call Elinor Utech at 549-1054 to order one or you can get them at the meeting.

Annual Dues � are now due for 2006. If you want to continue to get the newsletter after this month, please get the annual dues in to Swede. We will remind everyone at the February meeting as well.

25th Anniversary Buffet Supper - Saturday, June 17, 2006 at 4:30 pm at Fort Gardens...Catered. Show awards, history presentation. Benefit donation: $25 per person for MIS members and their guests. Get your reservations to secretary Carol Addeo

Committee Chairpersons needed for � annual Iris Sale in July. If you would like to volunteer, please call Pete Addeo.

Ann has invited Paul Black of Mid America to come for our 25th anniversary celebration on June 17th and he has accepted. Agenda: Members: Consider going to the American Iris Society Convention this year. It's in Portland, Oregon from May 22 thru May 27, 2006. For a detailed meeting/activity schedule go to the web site www.ais2006.com. Alverta will talk about the convention, maybe someone else will too.

It's Their Birthday!!....Let's Give 'Em a Cheer!!!

Happy day to Judy Hoar � Feb 11th, Lynn Weger � Feb 24th, Sandy Greene � Feb 10th, and Brenda Meador � Feb 25th, Have a happy birthday and all the good wishes and cheers that go along with it.



December 31, 2005 Balance $166.69

Deposit - calendar Sales 102.00

Balance 268.69

Expense - 2006 MT Corporation Fee 15.00

Balance 1/331/06 $253.69


December 1, 2005 Balance $1257.56

Additions: Double Entry Bookkeeping Error 300.00

2005 Rhizome Sale Income 3795.00

December 31,2005 Balance 5352.56

Deposit of 2005 Interest 16.24

Deposit of 2006 Membership paid 270.00

January 31 , 2006 Balance $5338.80


Judges Discretionary Fund $ 401.50

Memorial Find 381.92

Building Fund 565.47

Balance $1348.79

There are still some 2005 members who have not paid the 2006 dues. Most of you know who you are.

We will keep you on the register to receive the newsletter until the end of February. You will get the

March newsletter but after March 1 you will be dropped from our membership list. Of course, you may

pay 2006 dues later but you will miss out on the good upcoming information about the Society activities.

Respectfully Submitted,

Swede Gustafson, Treasurer


February 4 - Meeting at Honk Meyer's - Program on Pruning by Jim Cook

February 18 - Cleo Swanson - Card file work party, no meeting

March 4 -Meeting at Gary Clark's - Program on Siberian Iris by Swede Gustafson

April 1 - Meeting at Billie Gray 's- Program on card file by Elinor Utech

May 6 - Meeting and small show at Charles Hiigel/Jeff White in Victor - Pizza, salad, dessert pot luck- followed by

Median Show

June 3 - Meeting at Alverta & Bob Symes - Program on preparation for show, designing

June 10th - Southgate Mall - Iris Show

June 17 - Fort Gardens - Tour 10:00 - 4:00 - 25th celebration dinner - $25 per person - Reservations required

July 8 - Meeting at Jim Sadler's - Program on companion planting with iris in the garden

July 29th - Iris sale 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., then after sale pizza and chicken party at Billie Gray's

August - No meeting

September 9th - Meeting Gary Clarks (hosts Ron Dunn and Tom Thompson)

October 7 � Need a volunteer for this meeting

November 4th - Meeting at Billie Gray's

Sunday December 3 or Sat Dec 2- - Christmas party and gift exchange at Ken and Rose Mary Baier's

Minutes of the Missoula Iris Society Meeting, Saturday, November 12, 2005

The meeting was called to order by President Pete Addeo at 7:45 p.m. at the home of Pete and Carol Addeo.

Announcements: Ann Violette is in Community Hospital Room #329. Flowers were sent by the club. Cleo Swanson has been ill but was able to attend our meeting. Get well soon, both of you! Honk Meyer recently lost his mother. Cindy Davis lost a brother. Condolences to you, two.

John and Judy Hoar were again introduced as new members. Welcome to your second meeting!


Minutes - The minutes from the November meeting were approved as they appeared in the January newsletter .

Treasurers Report - None reported.

2006 Budget -The budget of $5,972 which appeared in the January newsletter was read to the members:

Public Activity Accounts $2,900

Iris Show 400

Tour and celebration 1,100

Special Guest 800

Iris Sale 500

Fort Garden 1,900**

Newsletter & Programs 450

Presidential Rhizomes 250

Judges Training 00*

Club Operation Accounts 472

Total Budget $5,972

* Expenses will be paid from Judges Training Special Fund above

**$300 will be transferred to the building fund to repay the loan

After a brief discussion, a motion was made by Zona Lindemann to pass the budget as presented; seconded by Ron Dunn and passed.

2005 New Membership Contest - Gary Clark was given a prize for first place in our membership contest for 2005. He invited and signed up 6 new members. Also thanks to Billie with 3 new members, Ron with 2 new members and Ann Violette with 2 new members. A new 2006 membership drive starts the first of this year.

Membership Dues - A reminder from the President that dues for 2006 are now due. Anyone who has not paid dues by the end of February will be dropped from the newsletter mailing on March 1, 2006.

2006 AIS Calendars - Elinor Utech has new AIS 2006 calendars available for sale for $6 each

Fort Gardens Report - Billie Gray summarized projects completed in 2005 on the Fort Gardens renovation project. She especially thanked members Swede Gustafson, Zona Lindemann and Jon Bonnickson for their help in the work projects. Carson Vehrs of the Friends of the Fort organization helped by bringing volunteer workers to the project and in initiating a donation of two benches. Other thank yous went to JTL for donation of the pea gravel and to Sheri Wurth for delivering it. The Dykes bed is now complete from 1927 to present, thanks to Ann Violette who supplied two of the missing Dykes and Gary Clark who had three of the missing Dykes. And thanks to Bob Symes and Honk Meyer who planted the marigolds.

Show Report - Gary said the theme of the 2006 Iris Show will be "Glory in the Gardens." Jim Sadler has been working on the individual categories.

Iris Tour - The tour will be June 17 from 10:00 to 4:00.

25th Anniversary of Fort Gardens - The catered dinner will be held after the tour on June 17th at the Fort Gardens. Anyone who has not signed up for the dinner should do so with the secretary.

Visiting Guest of Honor - Gary reported that Ann Violette has invited Paul Black of Mid America to come as our special guest for the 25th Anniversary celebration of the Fort Gardens on June 17. Paul has accepted and will stay at Gary's house. It is hoped he will stay 2-3 days and do a judges training session while he is here.

Neighborhood Grant - Carol reported that an application was submitted to the City of Missoula for Neighborhood Project Funds Grant for 2006 which is available to organizations or individuals for projects in the city that benefit city residents. The grants would enable MIS to complete the last phase of our Fort Gardens renovation project: the purchase of four arbors and climbing plants.

A letter has been received from the Office of Neighborhoods project advising us that our application is one of 19 applications they received and the final approval will not happen until about March 13, 2006. We may be advised if we are still in the running on or before March 3, 2006.

Judge Promotions - Gary announced the following status of our judges:

Ken Baier, Master Judge

Rose Mary Baier, Master Judge

Claudia Brown, Garden Judge

Cindy Davis, Garden Judge

Gary Clark, Garden Judge

Billie Gray, Master Judge

Swede Gustafson, Garden Judge

Roger Muir, Garden Judge

Jim Sadler, Apprentice Judge

Alverta Symes,Master Judge

Ann Violette, Garden Judge

Lynn Weger, Apprentice Judge

Congratulations to those who were promoted.


Committee Assignments:

25th Anniversary - Jim Sadler, Carol Addeo, Billie Gray, Ann Violette, Elinor Utech

Show Chairman - Gary Clark

Tour Chairpersons - Carol Addeo and Billie Gray

Membership Chairperson - Carol Addeo

Judges Training Chairperson - Alverta Symes

Fort Missoula Gardens - Billie Gray

Iris Rhizome Sale - None yet

Newsletter Editor - Pete Addeo

Publicity Chairman - Fred Frey

Sunshine Chairman - Elinor Utech

Historian/Photographer - Donna Dowell

Program Chairman - Jim Sadler

Presidential Rhizomes - Ron Dunn won for December and Ernie Lucero won for January.

Meeting locations - Carol reported that meeting locations are all assigned except for February and October. Honk volunteered his home so our February meeting will be at Honk Meyer's home.

The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. by a motion made by Zona Lindemann and Honk Meyer.

Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn Addeo