03 feb 2004

DATE & TIME: February 2004 meeting is Saturday, February 7th at 6:30pm

PLACE: Home of Bob & Billie Gray, 1558 So. 6th St W., Missoula

PROGRAM: Median slide show

BUSINESS: Voting and passing on the new budget. A copy of the budget is enclosed with this newsletter.



Any information for the March newsletter should be e-mailed or mailed to Pete Addeo by February 20th. It can also be faxed to (406) 251-4683.


Please note that the membership dues have increased from $5.00 to $7.00 per person per year effective now. Still a bargain for all the benefits of education and friendships we get from our club. MIS dues function on a calendar year so dues are due now, unless you have paid ahead. The last line of your address notes when your dues expire. Please send your dues, payable to MIS, to Treasurer Swede Gustafson, 3128 Eldora Lane, Missoula, MT 59803..

Anyone who has not paid their dues for 2004 by February 21, 2004 will be dropped from the newsletter mailing list.

Newsletter Editor & MIS Website

Pete Addeo says the MIS website with the domain name of http://www.missoulairis.com, is up and running but needs text, information from members to fill in the blanks. He would like the members to become active in keeping the website new and exciting. Any information or articles of interest that you can find or contribute would be appreciated. Photos of gardens are welcome, as well as information on our events, information on the Fort Garden with pictures, photographs of iris for sale at the upcoming sales.


Many of us acquired a few new rhizomes in our gardens this summer, so don't forget to turn in your updated iris list to Alverta Symes for the sale files. Send the list to Alverta at 3029 River Bend Dr, Bonner, MT 59823. For sale file purposes it would be helpful if your list contains the name of the iris, the hybridizer, type (TB, IB, SDB, etc) and date of introduction. The information saves the sale file committee a ton of time when they are trying to update the file information and find pictures. Old catalogs you are willing to part with are also helpful to update our sale picture files.

Wishing our members with Birthdays in January & February a wonderful day and many, many more�we all owe them a good spank for good luck! Ann Violette � Jan 1st; Carol Addeo � Jan 2nd, Claudia Brown � Jan 21st, Zona Linderman � Jan 28th, Sandy Greene � Feb 20th, Lynn Wegner � Feb 24th

Minutes of the Missoula Iris Society Meeting, Saturday, January 10, 2004

The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by President James Sadler at the home of Pete and Carol Addeo.

Minutes - The minutes from the November meeting were approved as published in the newsletter mailed and e-mailed to all members.

Treasurers Report - Treasurers report read by Secretary Carol Addeo in the absence of Swede Gustafson.

Checking Account Balance reported October 31, 2003 $522.95


Return of advance postage from Jerry Bowers $5.00

Balance $527.95

Expenses Paid:

Scott Owen Sprinklers, winterize Fort Garden $40.00

Denny's Copy Shop, newsletter printing Oct/Nov $20.58

Zona Lindemann, weeding in October $123.10

Flower Haus, Sunshine Gift Bob Gray $20.00

Marchie's Nursery, Fort Garden renovation project $101.76

Total expenses $305.44

Checking account balance as of December 31, 2003 $222.57

Savings Account Balance: Regular club account balance $4453.84

Accounting error - deduct $ -.78

Third quarter interest income $1.85

New storage shed account $888.47

Memorial Account $51.84

Judges Account $216.10

Total Savings $5,611.32

The Certificate of Deposit #21825 was closed and balance transferred to savings account and designated for the construction of a new storage facility at the Fort Missoula Museum site.


2004 Calenders - Ann is taking orders for MIS 2004 calenders which will be available in February.

AIS Membership - Ann Violette needs a membership total of Missoula Iris Society members who are paid AIS members by the end of January. MIS is required to have a 50% ratio of membership who are members of the national organization.

Spring Median Flower Show - Ann wants to do a spring flower show in May on medians. There was no discussion or vote nor date set.

Noxious Weed - Ann reported that our favorite bog iris, Pseudacorus Yellow Flag has been designated as a noxious weed, because it is clogging the waterways in Montana. Therefore, it should not be sold or used in arrangements, nor should it be given to anyone out of state.

Signa Group � Honk reported on a group that collects iris seeds from around the world from native iris. The seeds can be ordered. Honk will give the information to Pete for the newsletter or bring it to the next meeting.

Meeting locations - Carol Addeo is organizing meeting locations for 2004. If anyone is interested in hosting a meeting, please call her at 251-5833. Elinor suggested that members unable to host a meeting at their home might co-host by helping the host financially to cover drinks. Fort Gardens meeting were suggested for May or June, but no host was designated.

Northwest Garden Show - Fred Frey notified everyone that the garden show in Seattle will start Wednesday, February 4 thru the weekend. It will be a good display of rhododenndrons, daffodils and primroses.

Apprentice Judges - Ann announced that three members have progressed to apprentice judges. Congratulations to Cindy Davis, Roger Muir and Swede Gustafson.

2004 Budget - Will be voted on at the next meeting when Swede is available.

Regional Vice President - Congratulations to Ann Violette, who became our new regional vice president on January 1, 2004.

Presidential Rhizome Drawing - Winner of the December rhizome was Pete Addeo. Winner of the January rhizome was Carol Addeo. (Was this fixed? Since it was their home and the drawing was done by five year old granddaughter Kalli Rose?)

February meeting - Bob and Billie Grays home. Program is to be slide shows.


The following committee chairs were appointed and accepted:

SHOW COMMITTEE - Ann Violette, Roger Muir.

TOUR COMMITTE - Jim Sadler, Carol Addeo, Leona Wyckoff.

MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN - This was the only position not filled. The duties include passing out membership packets to new members, keeping track of active members and dues paid, keeping contact with members who may need a ride to meeting, being a liason for the club to new members to encourage them to attend meetings, passing on new membership names and addresses to the newsletter editor. There were no volunteers.


FORT MISSOULA GARDENS - Billie Gray & Honk Meyer

RHIZOME SALE - Cindi Davis and Ron Dunn (Alverta Symes and Elinor Utech will maintain card file)

NEWSLETTER EDITOR - Pete Addeo. Pete requested that anyone with an email address not on our current membership list notify him

PUBLICITY CHAIRMAN - Lynn Weger was volunteered in absentia (if she accepts)

SUNSHINE CHAIRMAN - Elinor Utech. Elinor requested that everyone notify her when someone is ill or in need of cheering up.

HISTORIAN - Mary Ellen Davis was volunteered in absentia (if she is willing).

The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Carol Addeo


The following is Swede�s Treasurer�s Report for January 2004 submitted prior to the next meeting in February:


Checking Account: Beginning Balance $222.51

Deposits $321.71

Total $554.22

Expenses $50.00

Balance: $504.22

Savings Accounts

Club Account $4454.53

Judges Account $216.40

Memorial Account $51.92

Building Account $888.47

Accrued Interest $2.64

Balance: $5,613.96

M.I.S. 2004 BUDGET

Public Activities

Iris Show 400

Special Judge 0

Iris Tour 100

Rhizome Sale 400

Total 900

Display Garden 2600


Newsletter 400

Programs 50

Total 450


Sunshine 200

MT. Corp Filing Fee 15

Friends of Missoula 100

Presidential Rhizomes 225

RVP Aid � Region 11 50

Membership Info 50

Miscellaneous 87

Total 727