June 2014

Official Newsletter for the Missoula Iris Society

June 2014

MEETING TIME: Saturday, May 31, 2014, at 6:30 p.m. for potluck supper. Host is Judy Blunt.

PLACE: Meeting location at 1901 ½ S. 4th St W. Call 728-0741 for directions.

PROGRAM: Jim Sadler will give a demonstration on the elements of floral arrangements. Plans for the iris show at the mall will be finalized.


No meeting in June due to the show on June 7.

The Missoula Iris Society is proud to announce that Brad and Kathie Kasperek of Zebra Gardens will be guest judges at the Missoula Iris Show onJune 7, 2014. Further, Brad will be giving a class on Spuria Irises between 2 and 3 pm following the show. Judges taking this for credit will be charged a $5.00 fee to go towards the Missoula Iris Society's Judges Fund. The show schedule is available on our website, www.missoulairis.com under Upcoming Events, Additional Show Information.

Alverta and Bob Symes are in the Portland area visiting their children. Alverta was not feeling well and has been diagnosed

with a very serious bladder infection with complications. She has been in the hospital for a few days and they are trying to schedule

surgery in Portland as soon as possible. We wish her well.


May 22, 2014


April 24, 2014 Balance $ 9771.19

1st Quarter interest income 0.48

Transfer to Checking 1000.00

May 22, 2014 Balance $ 8771.67


April 24, 2014 Balance $ 312.66

Typo in reported Balance 100.00

Actual Balance for 4/24 412.66

Membership received 10.00

Transfer from Savings 1000.00

Expenses Paid 483.50

May 22, 2014 Balance $ 939.16

Membership was received from M. Elizabeth Friesz so she is now paid up through December 2015.

Expenses paid to: American Iris Society - Show entry tags $ 61.00

Denny's Copy Stop – Show Schedule Printing 98.00

Alverta Symes - Fort Garden Kiosk repairs- 220.00

plexiglass replacement

Elizabeth Gustafson – gift certificate for Dr.

Bob Brown's retirement 50.00

Breezeway Iris Gardens – new irises for

Fort Garden plus shipping 54.50


Apologize for the typo error on the checking account report for the May newsletter.

I did not proof read the report close enough to catch the mistake. It's what happens when a person gets really busy.

Respectfully submitted,

Swede Gustafson, Treasurer


SATURDAY, MAY 3, 2014, 7:30 PM


ATTENDANCE: 14 President Ed Verplancke called the meeting to order.

MINUTES OF LAST MEETING: A correction was made to the April minutes. In regards to the Hazel Richlie memorials, it should have read $55.00 was received by our society, not given by our society. A fruit plate was given by the society for the funeral luncheon. Minutes approved. Motion to approve by Cindy Davis, second by Ron Dowell.

TREASURER'S REPORT: Motion to accept the treasurer's report as it appeared in the newsletter by Cindy Davis, second by Ron Dowell. Treasurer's report accepted.


SHOW REPORT: POSTERS are printed. Gary and Cindy will take to nurseries, members will take some to put in their favorite places, and Fred Frey will take care of the PSA announcements. SHOW SCHEDULE BOOKLET passed out to members. BANQUET: June 7, 5:30 pm at Paradise Falls in the atrium. Order off the menu. Awards will be reviewed. JUDGES: BRAD and KATHIE KASPEREK from Zebra Gardens, Elwood, Utah, will join us. Brad will be a judge during the show and will give a class at 2:00 (after judging is over) on Spurias for the judges. (Anyone can attend the class). Kathie will judge the designs for the show. SET UP: June 7 at 8:00pm at JC Penny Court. CLERKS: Ed, Anita, Betty Ann and Judy. JUDGES: Alverta Symes is the head judge. See show schedule for the list of judges. TABLECLOTHS: Anita will iron the tablecloths. Thanks Anita. DESIGN CATEGORIES for the show were explained by Gary Clark.

BRAD AND KATHIE KASPEREK will arrive June 6. If you would like join them for dinner Friday night let Cindy or Gary know. We will provide meals, lodging, and gas for them.