04 apr 2007

DATE & TIME: Sat, April 14th, at 6:30 p.m. Potluck dinner

PLACE: Home of Honk Meyer. Call 251-5800 for directions.

PROGRAM: Spuria slide show from the Spuria Iris Society presented by Fred Frey.


CalenCalendar of Events from the Missoula County Extension Office – Fred has gotten a flyer from the Extension Office and there some tours scheduled this summer that could be of interest to our members:

Saturday June 9th 2:30pm - Blueberry Garden Tour: Master Gardener Joyce Kuykendall shows off her commercial blueberry production methods

Saturday June 23rd 2:30pm - Strawberry Variety Trial: Tour Biodesign Farm’s vegetable production fields, small fruit plantings, and orchard designed to minimize tillage, conserve water, and create habitat for wildlife. We will evaluate the strawberry variety trial planted in 2006

Saturday August 11th 2:30pm - Lavender Farm Tour: Master gardener Lori Parr-Campbell shows off her fragrant business

September 2007 Master Gardener Course: The 14 week course starts – call for details.

Sunday September 26th 1 – 3 pm Conservation Farming Research Results: Soil and weed management studies and soil amendments for transplanted trees

For Tour directions and to be notified by email before each event and future events you can email the Extension Office at plantclinic@missoulaeduplace.org or call the plant clinic at 258-4213

It's Their Birthday!!....Let's Give 'Em a Cheer!!!

Happy day to Alverta Symes, April 3rd, Jim Sadler, April 2nd, Sherry Toft, April 17th, Janette Turbak, April 18th, Carol Barbian, April 28th, Ron Dunn, April 23rd, and Kris Ritchart, April 11th. Have a happy birthday all! .

2007 Calendars: You can pick-up at the April meeting for $6.00 from Pete Addeo. We only have a few calendars left.

Meeting Locations for 2007: The following meeting locations are scheduled. We need some volunteers to host a meeting For October and November as well as our Christmas Party. Call Carol Addeo at 251-5833 if you would like to host a meeting at your home or be a host for a meeting at another member’s home: Anyone who wants to host a meeting at someone else’s house can do so by chipping in for drinks, etc or doing set up or cleanup for the host. It’s that simple. Let’s get some volunteers for hosting! It’s painless!!

April 14 - Meeting and pot luck dinner at home of Honk Meyer, 6:30pm

May 5 - Meeting and pot luck dinner with PLANT EXCHANGE at home of Pete & Carol Addeo, 6:30pm

June 2 - Meeting and pot luck dinner at home of Bob & Alverta Symes in Bonner, 6:30pm

July 14 - Meeting and pot luck dinner at home of Alayne Hildritch in Grant Creek, 6:30pm

August - No Meeting

September 8 - Meeting and pot luck dinner at home of Gary Clark in Target Range, 6:30pm

October - Need meeting location

November - Need meeting location

December 2 - (Sunday) Annual Christmas Party. Location needed.

TOURING & VISITING YARDS MEETING PROGRAMS: Would you be willing to share your garden with other MIS members? Generally speaking, many of us only see the yards and gardens of members who are able to host one of the monthly meetings or a club activity. Not all of us are able to open our homes to such activities, yet certainly could share our efforts with others in the organization and build connections between the members. Fred Frey would like to schedule such opportunities in at least the months of May, June, and July on the same day of our monthly meeting. The chosen host garden might be on the same side of town or not far out of the way of the meeting site and open from 4pm or 5pm until 6pm. Those interested in attending could make one trip to see your garden and then continue on to the meeting. Locations further out of town could be scheduled earlier in the day. There would be no expectation for any type of refreshments or entertainment, but to simply be available to show other members around, share ideas, and answer questions. Please call Fred Frey at 549-0530 after 6:30 pm weekdays if you would be willing to open your garden to members and their guests. According to the meeting schedule, May is in the Miller Creek area, June is east of Bonner, and July in Grant Creek.

Fred Frey, VP and Programs

Treasurer's Report from Pete Addeo:

Nothing has transpired since last meeting and no monies have changed hands. Balances are the same as last month.


Club Savings Account CD

Balance February 28 $3253.45

Total $3253.45

Club Savings Account

Balance February 28 $6584.40

Account Summary:

Club Operations $2024.78

Judges Fund 375.43

Memorial Fund 301.92

Building Fund 865.47

2006 Rhizome Sale 3001.00

2006 Interest Income 15.80

Total balance $6584.40


February 28 Balance $ 869.43

February 2007 deposits

Total Deposits 0.00

Expenses Paid – February

Balance - February $869.43


Minutes of the Missoula Iris Society Meeting, Saturday, March 3, 2007

The meeting was called to order by Vice President Fred Frey at 7:20 p.m. at the home of Gary Clark. President Elinor Utech was ill.

Minutes - The minutes of the February meeting appeared in the newsletter and were approved as they appeared by a motion of Cindy Davis, seconded by Ron Dunn.

Treasurers Report which appeared in the March newsletter was approved as it appeared.

Committee Reports:

Median Show - Gary Clark, chairperson, passed out the programs for the 2007 Median Show to be held at Southgate Mall by the clock on Saturday May 19, 2007 - 9 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The program was prepared with the help of Alverta Symes. The theme is "A Symphony of Color".

Iris Show - Jim Sadler, chairperson for the iris show in June, says we have received AIS approval for our show.

Fort Garden - No report. Ron Dunn commented that Carson Vehrs, who has helped with volunteer work for our garden, was very impressed with our accomplishments in the garden last summer.

Rhizome Sale - Ron Dowell, chairperson for the sale, reported that the Addeo's have volunteered their yard for the sorting, however they will be out of town part of that week.

Sunshine Report - Betty Ann Gustafson, Sunshine chairperson, was absent, but provided a report which was read by Carol Addeo :

Bob Symes is recovering from February heart surgery. We took a bouquet of flowers and a card to him after surgery.

Elinor Utech was in the hospital over a weekend due to a reaction to a medication. We sent her a card when we heard the news.

Ann Violette was also in the hospital over a weekend this week; we took her some potted primroses. We are unsure of her condition but they are checking her heart condition. According to other members, it may have been a reaction to antibiotics.

Wayne and Hazel Richlie are pretty much homebound. We took them some potted primroses. Their son and grandaughter both live next door so they watch out for them.

Rosemary Baier is doing well and has discontinued chemotherapy because the cancer is in remission. She is happy and even working at Caras Nursery transplanting plants a few days a week.

Ken Baier is still somewhat weak after a bout with pneumonia after Christmas. He's doing better and resuming his activities.

Donna Bowers is receiving chemotherapy. She is still very weak but encouraged. Members may give her a call.

Not in the report: Cleo Swanson is doing better but still cannot drive.

Betty Ann Gustafson was also in the hospital for a short time. No other details available.

If you know of anyone who needs cheering up in some way, please contact Betty Ann Gustafson or Elinor Utech.

Programs - Fred Frey is working on slide shows for future meetings. He reported that Gordon Skaggs might come to a meeting to do a presentation on water gardens. During his travels in Oregon Fred stopped by Mid America gardens. He also obtained some VCR tapes on building water gardens from Blue Iris Water Gardens in Spokane.

Historical Book - Carol Addeo reported that two orders for our historical book "Fifty years of iris growing, 25 years of iris showing" had been received from AIS members as a result of the article she placed in the AIS bulletin.

Presidential Rhizome - Won by Cleo Swanson

The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. and was followed by an interesting program and film on water features and ponds presented by Fred Frey.

Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn Addeo

Acting Secretary in the absence of

Zona Lindemann