10 october 2013

October 2013

Official Newsletter for the Missoula Iris Society


DATE & TIME: Saturday, October 5, 2013. Potluck supper begins at 6:30 pm. Hosts are Anita Cervenak and Ed Verplancke.

PLACE: Meeting location at Eagles Lodge, 2420 South Avenue W. Meeting room is on the east end of the building.

PROGRAM: None reported

MEMBERSHIP DUES –The $10.00 annual membership dues for 2014 can be paid anytime. Please pay your dues to Treasurer Swede Gustafson. Any new members who joined in July of this year or later are considered paid for 2014.

TREASURER'S REPORT by Swede Gustafson

Since my report for September did not get in the September newsletter I will give a brief summary of activities for the summer. I will have copies of the full report available at the October meeting.


Reported Balance – July 1, 2013 $ 8838.68

Deposits for July and August 3066.48

Withdrawals in July and August 1100.00

September 1, 2013 Balance $10805.16


Reported Balance – July 1, 2013 $ 290.34

Deposits for July and August 857.15

Expenses paid in July and August 773.25

September 1, 2013 Balance $ 374.25


The Savings Account remains stable as there was no activity during the past month.


Reported Balance – September 1, 2013 $374.25

Deposits for September 0.00

Expenses Paid in September 239.79

September 22, 2013 Balance $134.46

List of Expenses:

Garden City Floral – floral arrangement for Pete Addeo $ 42.95

Missoula Computes – Web site transfer costs 123.90

Linda Sadler – floral plant for Swede Gustafson 22.94

Eagle's Lodge – rental fee for the October meeting 50.00

Total Expenses paid $239.79

Per a motion introduced and passed at the September meeting, I met with Quint Billings of Missoula Computes on September 9 and paid for the transfer of the Missoula Iris Society Web site from the Online Montana site to Missoula Computes site at a charge of $64.50. Missoula Computes will host this web site for one year at a charge of $50.00 which I have paid. We will need to have someone available to do the web site documents. Quint will be available to meet with the person who will be our webmaster.

I made an inquiry with the bank regarding signers for the above accounts and found out only I was a qualified signer. Papers were filed on September 19 and President Ed and I are now both signatory to the above financial accounts.

September 7, 2013 – Missoula Iris Society Minutes

Ed called the meeting to order at the home of Bob and Alverta Symes at 7:14 PM.

Did everyone get the News letter that Anita sent out, Sadler’s did not as they have a new email address as their account was stolen again. The News letter was approved as printed.

Swede passed out the Treasurer’s Report, as it was not in the News Letter.

Savings Account

Reported Balance – July 2013 $8,838.68

Deposits for July & August 2013 3,066.48

Withdrawals in July & August 2013 1,100.00

Balance as of September 1, 2013 $10,805.16

Deposits: Withdrawals:

Rhizome Sale Receipts $2,296.00 Sale Cash Box Set-up $500.00

Return of Cash box set up funds 500.00 Transfer to Checking 600.00

Grab Bag Sales Income – checks 100.00 Total $1,100.00

Memorials – Elinor Utech/Pete Addeo 140.00

Judges Training Class Receipts 30.00

Quarterly interest income .48

Total Deposits $3,066.48

Checking Account

Reported Balance – July 2013 $290.34

Deposits for July & August 2013 857.15

Expenses paid in July & August 2013 773.24

Balance as of September 1, 2013 $ 374.25


Transfer from Savings $ 600.00

Memberships received 20.00

Grab bag sales receipts 109.00

Return of cash box Set up funds 100.00

Rhizome Purchase Refund 28.15

Total Deposits $857.15


Judy Blunt – Celebration Desserts $ 83.48

Friends of the Historical Museum 100.00

Swede Gustafson – Wheelbarrow repair 26.85

Swede Gustafson – Allied Waste dump fee 16.00

Star Rental – Sale Tables rental fee 160.00

Carol Addeo – Presale Food and Drinks 46.34

Betty Ann Gustafson – Sale Party Food 68.98

Betty Ann Gustafson – Sale Day Food 10.39

Grab Bag Sale cash box set up funds 100.00

Valley Press – Rhizome Sale advertisement 63.00

Missoulian – Rhizome Sale advertisement 98.00

Total Expenses $773.24

Respectfully Submitted

Swede Gustafson, Treasurer

Swede went over the itemized report, Jim made a motion to accept the report as presented and Scotty seconded it, motion passed as presented.

Old Business: Betty Ann brought up the cost of the two shows with the Mall, they are $250.00 per show, so the years that we have 2 shows the cost will be $500.00. Ann Violet has a name of a person with Alliance church in the South Hills and we might be able to have the shows there without costs. Judy mentioned that it’s the people we attract at the mall that we would not attract other places, so, it was felt that we should continue to have the June show in the mall and possibly people homes as we’ve done a few times in the past or other place to be discussed later. Also as Jim mentioned as a non-profit we are suppose to spend 40% of our income for education. The Mall sets their calendar for the following year this month and Betty Ann is going to request the 2nd weekend in June for the 2014 show. Someone suggested asking the mall for a break in cost as we are a non-profit, Jim did not think it would matter but could not hurt to ask.

Betty Ann mentioned that the Mall forgot about the Glad and Dahlia show, but they bent over backward to correct the situation. They also have new table that have skirting which made things a lot easier.

Cindy Davis and Gary Clark, volunteered to co-chair the show for 2014.

New business: Nominating Committee for officers for 2014, Gary Clark and Donna Dowell were chosen to head the committee and will be informed by news letter. See what happens when you can’t make a meeting.

As we no longer have Pete to take care of the club news letters and all the other work that he did there is a great hole in the club. Missoula Computes will help us get into the programs we need the cost is $50.00 , we need to contact them by Monday, a motion was made by Linda and Judy seconded to go ahead and pay the $50.00 to keep us up and running. Motion was passed.

Ed has tried to down load info, not easy to do. Don’t know if Carol knows passwords. He has set up a Google free access we can use for no cost, further discussion to follow. We need someone who knows computers, Alverta is going to see if her daughter Tonya can do it.

Swede created a document to send to the people who gave the club memorials for Eleanor and Pete, to let them know that we are a 501c3 tax deduction club.

Ed signed a new 10 year contract agreement with the Historical Fort Missoula

Betty Ann won the presidential Rhizome for August and Bob won for September.

Bob adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully submitted ,

Acting Secretary Cindy Davis

in theAbsence of Carol Addeo

Presidential Rhizome Winner Tally: August Betty Ann Gustafson, September Bob Symes.