What Salt Melts Ice The Fastest?

In my experiment, I am trying to figure out which type of salt melts ice the fastest. The different types of salts I am going to test are sea salt, rock salt, and table salt. I predicted that sea salt would melt ice the fastest. I decided to choose this topic because it seemed interesting and I wanted to know what the result would be for each type of salt.

First, I got all three salts from the store. Second, I had to acquire 3 cups of ice to accurately find the answer for each salt. Next, I poured the same amount of salt on to each cup of ice, so it would be fairly tested. I used my phone to time the amount of time it took each salt to melt the ice to get my final results.

The results of my tests conclude that Rock salt by far melted the fastest, while resulting in 20 minutes and 30 seconds. The 2nd to best salt was the sea salt clocking in at 24 minutes and 49 seconds. Last but not least, the table salt took 29 minutes and 10 seconds to melt the ice.

My experiment proves my hypothesis to be incorrect, as I thought that the sea salt would work the best. This was not the case. Instead, it was the rock salt that worked the most efficiently coming in at 4 minutes and 19 seconds faster. I learned from this project that rock salt melts ice the best. I believe my experiment was done accurately, as I tested each type of salt to come up with my final result. I can improve this experiment by testing each variable more times, so I would have a more precise answer.