How many chirps does a cricket make per minute?

Question- How many chirps does a cricket make per minute in different temperatures?

Hypothesis- I think the cricket set up in room temperature with chirp the most compared to the others.


1- I will buy the standard size adult crickets

2- I will put them all into the same size container

3- I will put them all into different temperature environments

4- I will record the data one at a time

5- I will write down all the numbers and infer

My procedure. Step 1: Put 1 cricket in different temperature room. Step 2: Record for 1 minute how many times it chirped. Step 3: Record all the data then repeat the steps 5 more times. Step 4: Average the answers. This procedure seemed to work best to me because it made recording the crickets easy, it also made the project more reasonable, because if i recorded 10 crickets at a time I wouldn’t be able to keep track.

After all my hard work of testing, the final results proved my hypothesis was right. While I was testing i realized the average cricket chirped 112 times per minute in the Warm Temperature, While in the Cold Temperature the average was 57.8 chirps. One of the crickets, cricket number #2 actually was silent for the first 30 seconds of the test in the cold temperature! From this experiment I learned the average amount of how many times a cricket chirps per minute. If I could do one thing differently I would change how many times I tested the method for different answers. All in all, the standard cricket chirps 10.4 times in warm temperatures and 5.3 times in the cold temperatures.

After my testing, my hypothesis was correct because the crickets did chirp more in the warmer temperature than they did in the colder one. The warmer had a better effect on the cricket, therefore it chirped a lot more than it did in the cold temperature. The reason is that crickets chirps depend on the temperature. My test is accurate because I tested 5 different crickets in 2 different temperatures. If you have a pet that eats crickets and you need to keep them quiet put them in a cold temperature.


After my project was finished, I re-looked all my data and found my hypothesis was correct! I would of done a couple things differently, including I would of had 3 people record data, because my numbers might of been off when I tested. I also would of changed the lighting, because usually you hear crickets around night, and I tested it in the light. Over all, I think my project was successful and answered my questions.


Crickets are normally heard the most in the Spring and Summer, so have you ever wondered how many chirps they make per minute when placed in different temperatures? This topic interested me so I used it as my science fair project. I made the hypothesis that the cricket in the warmest temperature would chirp the most, because its warmer and crickets are normally out in the summer.