6 Scoliosis The Forgotten Disease?

Carly Murphy

Scoliosis The Forgotten Disease?


Do adults know about scoliosis? How can we make scoliosis more publicized?


I think that most adults will not know about scoliosis because scoliosis is perceived to be as devastating as cancer or diabetes, and it hasn't received as much publicity as these medical conditions.


    1. I gathered up yes or no questions about scoliosis

    2. I asked some adults these 5 questions about scoliosis

    3. I gathered up all of my information and tallied up may answers

  1. I concluded that my hypothesis was wrong

Data Table



During this project I learned that most adults know about scoliosis, but still have parts that they still need to learn. In order to make scoliosis publicized we could have assemblies and walks to support scoliosis. There is a website called Curvy Girls Scoliosis, this website is a support group of girls. These girls all have scoliosis. They have assemblies and walks to support and publicize scoliosis. This could help publicize scoliosis. My hypothesis was wrong because the majority of the people got each question correct. If I was ever to do this project again I would ask more people and have more questions.


On January 16, 2016 I found out that I was diagnosed with scoliosis. I knew that this would change my life forever. When my relatives found out that I had scoliosis they questioned what it was. Thats where I got my idea for a science fair project. I was figuring out if adults knew a lot about scoliosis, and how scoliosis can become more publicized. I hypothesized that most adults will not know about scoliosis, because scoliosis is not as big as cancer and diabetes and it hasn't had much publicity as much as these medical conditions.

I started to gather up yes and no questions that would be appropriate to ask to adults about scoliosis. I asked teachers, police officers, aunts, and uncles. Each participant had to fill out a sheet that said that I was able to use their survey. Once I was finished collecting surveys I tallied up my answers.

The majority of people got each question correct. Every adult that I asked seemed to know a good amount about scoliosis. The question that most adults got wrong was question five. Question five was can you get rid of Scoliosis. The results from the questions surprised me.

During this project I learned that most adults know about scoliosis, but still have parts that they still need to learn. In order to make scoliosis publicized we could have assemblies and walks to support scoliosis. My hypothesis was wrong because the majority of the people got each question correct. If I was ever to do this project again I would ask more people and have more questions.