6 What height will a freezer bag break?

By Mariann Kurtz


I am trying to find out at what height filled with water a freezer bag will break. I tested three brands Hefty, Ziplock, and Dollar store.


~Fill each bag with 2 cups of warm water

~Measure and drop bag

~Record your data

~Repeat 10 more times


My hypothesis is that Hefty would be able to go the highest without breaking, because I looked at Hefty. On Hefty the material looks thicker than the two other brands. I thought that the thicker the material the more height it can withstand.

What Height will a Freezer Bag Break?

(Hefty, Ziploc, Dollar store brand)

Ever since my science teacher gave out the assignment of the science fair I have been struggling to find out ideas. I had been looking around my house trying to look for ideas, that could be useful after I got the results. Then I found out that the result of the freezer bag experiment would be very useful. I am testing three brands, Hefty, Ziplock, and dollar store brand. My hypothesis was Hefty would be able to go the highest without breaking, because I looked at Hefty. On Hefty the material looks thicker than the two other brands. I thought that the thicker the material the more height it can withstand.

There are a few phases to my bag experiment. The first I had fill the bags up with two cups of warm water. After that I took the first bag brand and took the bag out side, onto a concrete ground. Then I measured each foot and marked a piece of tape to my lamppost each mark representing a foot. However if the bag lasted more than seven feet I went onto different sections of my porch and because. After I had all the measurements lined up each bag was dropped by one foot if the bag survived it would go up until it broke. I tested each bag brand 5 times, and I did two rounds.

After I was finished testing I was very surprised with my results. I predicted that Hefty would to the best and I was correct. The first brand I tested was Hefty. The average for both rounds of Hefty was 8 feet 2 inches. The next brand I tested was Ziplock. The average for both rounds was 4 feet 9 inches. I was very surprised with my results of Ziplock because this brand is very publicised and always know to be very strong. Lastly I tested the dollar store brand. The average for all the rounds was 2 feet 6 inches.

Throughout my science fair experiment I have learned a lot. My hypothesis was correct Hefty did the best. Hefty out beat Ziplock by 2 feet 4 inches. Hefty out beat the Dollar store brand by 4 feet 5 inches. My results on my science fair or accurate because I measured and did the same amount of water for each bag. I think my experiment could have been better if I had high tech equipment, and better measuring tools. In conclusion I will put what I have found out to good use, and I will use my data throughout my life


Throughout my science fair experiment I have learned a lot. My hypothesis was correct Hefty did the best. Hefty out beat Ziplock by 2 feet 4 inches. Hefty out beat the Dollar store brand by 4 feet 5 inches. My results on my science fair or accurate because I measured and did the same amount of water for each bag. I think my experiment could have been better if I had high tech equipment, and better measuring tools. In conclusion I will put what I have found out to good use, and I will use my data throughout my life