Arms Up or Down?

Question~ What is the best way to perform a back handspring?


I wanted to investigate which method of a back handspring is the best, arms up or forward. I believe that if arms are up it is better because it gives the flip a greater height and more power versus arms in front. I chose this project because I do these type of skills everyday, so it was something I already had my prior information to use. I also feel that this a project for other people who can do these types of skills and can compare to the science of it.

I started off my experiment by doing five of each of the flip. Five with arms up and another five with arms forward. I filmed each flip so I could look back at any differences. Once I did this I recorded them all on a graph listing one through five in both back handsprings, and determine which flip is better.

After I completed my experiments I have come to a conclusion that hands forward is a better method for learning a back handspring, and hands up is better for a more skilled person who has already had a back handspring. My hypothesis was correct, because of my experience I already had background data and arms up is personally more comfortable. I think I could have improved this experiment by testing other people as well so I wouldn’t just get my data and my personal preference. Overall I believe that hands up is better for more experienced tumblers and hands forward is better for learners.
