Sugary Drinks


The question I am asking is what drink do you think has the greatest and least amount of sugar? My hypothesis was that people would pick Kool Aid as the drink with the most amount of sugar I thought people were going to pick Naked Blue Machine for the drink with the least amount of sugar. I picked this because I was curious to know what drink people would choose at the random just from looking at the label, drink color,or common knowledge.

When I began collecting data, I ordered the drinks from least amount of sugar to greatest amount of sugar. I then searched how many grams of sugar is in one tablespoon which I found was 12g. I then divided the amount of sugar in each drink by 12 to see how many scoops of sugar would go in each jar. Each drink would have a small jar which represented the amount of sugar per drink. I labeled each jar with the sugar amount and matched these sugar jars up with the correct drink. When I tested people I scrambled the labeled sugar jars and told my subjects to match the sugar jars to the drink they thought had that much sugar. Finally, I recorded the results on how they ordered drinks from greatest to least amounts of sugar.

For testing, at least 42% of people choose Kool Aid as having the most sugar because they thought Kool Aid was the most sugary drink. As for the least sugary, most people chose Bai Antioxidant Infusion. This was correct because that was the the drink with the least amount of sugar. I learned that people mostly judge a drink by the color and/or label. My hypothesis was mostly correct because three people picked Kool Aid as having the most sugar. My experiment was accurate because all the people didn’t know the original sugar amounts so therefore the experiment was accurate. I could maybe have improved this experiment by adding more subjects to test which may have given me an even more accurate answer.

My Board

Data Table
