The Fibonacci Sequence

The Fibonacci Sequence is an interesting mathematical equation that uses a specific way to be defined. To get the Fibonacci Sequence, you must use this. X + X = Y. Y + X = Z. Z + Y = W. It takes the most recent pair of numbers and adds them, then continues infinitely. This sequence can lead into the Golden Ratio. My project involved attempting to find, sort, and try to define the recurring equation and the Golden Ratio. I predicted that I won’t find anything quite new, but I will find something of interest.

I started by trying to define the sequence with what I know and what I’ve heard, without any research, and then see how close I came. I was surprisingly accurate considering I hadn’t looked into it up to that point. The Fibonacci Sequence is a mathematical sequence that appears around the world, so where does it appear the most often? I started to look into plant life first After all of my findings, I decided to look into the past of the sequence. I found out something intriguing, the sequence first appeared in India and even further back. It was used to measure in India and after introducing it to Europe, he was immortalized by having the sequence be named after him. Later, I started to research human works of the Fibonacci Sequence and found out even I have some traits of the sequence. Usually, each section of the face gets a piece of the Fibonacci Sequence pie, meaning that making Fibonacci Art will be difficult to line up.

My research project brought many intriguing finds, My most interesting example of the sequence in nature was tree branches, if you separate certain trees, you will get the Fibonacci Sequence, it goes from 1 branch to 2, then to 3, then to 5. In my results of artwork, the structure of the face is a treasure trove of unexpected secrets, humans in art are sometimes perfectly aligned to the Fibonacci Sequence. A famous example of the sequence in art is the Mona Lisa. Her face almost perfectly fits, you can even lay it out over her whole body and it still works, it depends on the angle. It is difficult to replicate the style on purpose, but on accident, you might actually make better work for the sequence. After finding out all these interesting examples, I even attempted to draw my own Fibonacci-based art. It did not turn out well.

To summarize, the Fibonacci Sequence goes deeper than just Fibonacci, my research concludes that many things can hide the sequence, you just have to search for them. Overall, the research resulted into more questions than answers, but was still oh-so-satisfyingly right to do.