Who can tell Facial Expressions better?

Kaylee Austin

Who Can Tell Facial Expressions Better?


The reason why I picked this experiment is that I thought this experiment would be interesting to do on kids. What I’m trying to figure out is that who can tell facial expressions.


My hypothesis was girls would be more superior at telling facial expressions than boys. The prediction was incorrect because boys had three wrong and the girls had four wrong


    1. I printed out pictures and glued them on index cards

    2. I asked three girls and three boys to be in my project

    3. I tested the boys four times

    4. Then I tested the girls four times

  1. When I was finished testing them I put if they got it wrong or right

Data Table:




My observations was that boys are better telling facial expressions than girls because boys got three wrong out of four, and the girls got four wrong out of four.I think my experiment is accurate because it was very fun to try out,but I could’ve made it more interesting by testing more people.


Facial Expressions

For my project I needed to find out if girls are better telling facial expressions than boys. My hypothesis is that I think that girls will win because I researched that girls can tell a facial expression than boys.

The facial expressions were Sad, Mad, Happy, and Bored. The pictures were of a person doing the facial expressions of simple emotions.I got the pictures from the internet. I tested them by putting up a picture and they would have to guess them. I tested them four times.

What I collected was that the boys are greater at telling facial expressions than girls. The boys only got three wrong out of four.The girls got four wrong out of four.

What I learned about this experiment is that boys are better telling facial expressions than girls because the boys got only got three wrong.. My hypothesis was that girls can tell facial expressions better than boys. My hypothesis was wrong because I found out that boys are better telling facial expressions than girls. I think my experiment was accurate, but I could’ve made it more interesting because I could’ve tried it on more people.