Lita's Guard Dog Alert Project!

Question: Are Guard Dogs More Alert Than Other Dogs? Why Or Why Not?

Hypothesis: Yes, because guard dogs were trained to bark/growl at the door when theres a knock or ring on the bell, and other dogs were not trained to bark or growl, so I think guard dogs will be more alert.


1.) Will introduce the 10 dogs and if they're a guard dog or not,

2.) I will have everyone pet the dogs if they want to,

3.) I'll have dogs by their selves, and I'll sit in a chair an watch,

4.) I'll have someone knock on the door, and see if the dog barks, gets up, growls, or does anything to let me know theres someone at the door,

5.) If the dog gets up I will give them a treat,

6.) Bring next dog in (the order will be guard,other,guard,other and so on),

7.) Keep score of how many dogs of each get up,

8.) I'll count up the scores (I'll dog the same dog at least 2 times) and tell everyone if the guard dogs or other dogs are more alert.