What is the most effective method of preserving food?

Question: What is the most effective method of preserving food?

Hypothesis: Out of plastic zip-loc bags, plastic container, glass container, tin foil, plastic wrap and cup, I think a plastic container will preserve food the best because it is better at releasing air before the container is sealed.

Procedure: 1) Obtain 3 different types of containers to test ( 2 plastic zip-loc bag, plastic container, glass container, tin foil, plastic wrap, and cup), 2) Obtain strawberries, 3) Determine shelf life of strawberries without use of container in a refrigerator, 4) Place equal amount (3) of strawberries into each container and place in refrigerator, 5) Check each container daily to examine the condition of strawberries, 6) Record the number of days until strawberries spoil. (get soggy and start to grow white mold), 7) Chart and graph data. 8) Repeat steps 4-7 a total of 3 times.

Conclusion: In conclusion, In this project my hypothesis was correct. The plastic container preserved food the best. The strawberries in the plastic container did not spoil. My data is related to my question because it shows that the plastic container is the best at preserving food. I gave it a rate of 5 which means that its the best at preserving food. The strawberries in the cup was a rate of 1. 1 meaning that it was not the best at preserving food. The strawberries in the cup were very moldy and kind of soggy. The ones in the plastic bag were completely soggy. They also did have mold starting to grow. The strawberries in the tin foil and wrap were starting to get soggy but not moldy. I will make sure to use a plastic container for my strawberries from now on.