Fat vs Nonfat foods.

Fat vs. nonfat which will win?

Does low fat food taste the same as non/low fat food my hypothesis is that they taste completely different and that fat foods taste better. The reason I choose this topic is that I always wanted to know what peoples opinion was on low fat food and non low fat food.

My experiment is I selected 6 people. I had them sample 10 food items and 10 of the same low fat items. I have each person sample the food and tell me wich one was taste better and then I wrote down my results.

The data I got shows that most people liked fa food compared to low fat food 5 out of 6 preferred the fat version milk, 4 out of 6 liked the ordinary salad dressing instead of the low fat version so most preferred the fat versions instead of the low fat versions.

What I learned is that many people have there own opinions and that they like different types of foods. My hypothesis was correct most people thought that they tasted completely different and that the fat foods tasted better than the low fat foods. I believe my hypothesis was right because most people like fat foods because they have the ingredients and low fat food has to add healthy things into it and take out things to be low fat so they taste different that is why I think why my hypothesis was right. This project could be very inaccurate because it was food tasting which means that it was their opinion if I got a whole another group the results could be completely different compared to the other results like a lot of people didn’t like the low fat yogurt but if I got a new group of people it could be the opposite way.


I predict that fat is better.


The data I got shows that most people liked fa food compared to low fat food 5 out of 6 preferred the fat version milk, 4 out of 6 liked the ordinary salad dressing instead of the low fat version so most preferred the fat versions instead of the low fat versions.


My experiment is I selected 6 people. I had them sample 10 food items and 10 of the same low fat items. I have each person sample the food and tell me wich one was taste better and then I wrote down my results.


What I learned is that many people have there own opinions and that they like different types of foods. My hypothesis was correct most people thought that they tasted completely different and that the fat foods tasted better than the low fat foods. I believe my hypothesis was right because most people like fat foods because they have the ingredients and low fat food has to add healthy things into it and take out things to be low fat so they taste different that is why I think why my hypothesis was right. This project could be very inaccurate because it was food tasting which means that it was their opinion if I got a whole another group the results could be completely different compared to the other results like a lot of people didn’t like the low fat yogurt but if I got a new group of people it could be the opposite way.


Fat vs. Nonfat which is better
