Best Shampoo

Hair War

1. Buy and expensive shampoo, cheap shampoo, make your own shampoo, and fake hair

2. Dirty the hair, and do it the same way with all shampoos

3. wash the hair with the one shampoo first

4. Don’t add conditioner

5. Wash it out with water then blow dry it

6 Test each shampoo several times

7. Then rate the hair 1-5

8. Finally take a before and after photo


For my hypothesis I think the shampoo I make will be the best to use on the fake hair. I think it’s going to work best because it’s going to have healthy ingredients in it.


This experimenter's hypothesis was incorrect as the homeopathic shampoo did not yield the best results for the hair. Experimenter could improve experiment by by testing shampoos on different hair types (i.e. wavy, straight, thick, thin, short, long) to yield a more valid result.



What I'm doing for my science fair is seeing which shampoo works the best. I buy cheap, exspensive shampoo. Then I make a homemade shampoo, and finally use regular soap.


Hair Health

Since dry and unruly hair appears to be problematic, the purpose this experiment was to identify which shampoo works to give hair the best volume, texture and shine. It is assumed the homemade (homeopathic) shampoo will yield the most positive results due to it being absent of chemicals and having only healthy ingredients.

Four shampoo's were utilized in this experiment: Dawn dish detergent, a homemade olive oil blend, Suave daily clarifying shampoo and Biolage normalizing shampoo. Wearing protective gloves and eye wear this experimenter utilized a mannequin whose hair has been pre-treated separately with mouse, gel and hairspray. Hair was separated the dry into 4 parts and washed each section 2x with associated shampoo product. Next, the hair sections were blown dry and brushed. Experiment was repeated 3x. This experimenter logged data for each time experiment was performed. A rating scale from 1-5 was utilized and before and after photos were taken.

Data collection results are as follows; the economical priced shampoo (Suave) yielded the most positive results for the hair. Hair presented with best shine, softest texture and fullest volume. The most expensive shampoo yielded the lowest score. The averaging rating for each category are as follows:

Texture: Suave 5, Dawn 2 , Homeopathic 4, Biolage 1

Volume: Suave 5, Dawn 2, Homeopathic 3, Biolage 2

Shine: Suave 5, Dawn 3, Homeopathic 3, Biolage 2

This experimenter's hypothesis was incorrect as the homeopathic shampoo did not yield the best results for the hair. Experimenter could improve experiment by by testing shampoos on different hair types (i.e. wavy, straight, thick, thin, short, long) to yield a more valid result.