What Makes Ice Melt Fastest?


What Makes Ice Melt the Fastest?

I want to find out what makes ice melt faster. My hypothesis is that rock salt will melt the ice the fastest because it is it’s job. I chose this topic because I was looking for an experiment I thought this would be a cool experiment. It also seemed like it’d be fun because I could really find out if rock salt melt ice the fastest.

I made ice cube exactly the same size and froze it. I put two ice cubes in a bowl and added one of the following items: salt, rock salt, and room temp. water. I also did a control where I added nothing. Once I had something with the ice I put a timer on my phone for 25 minutes. After the experiment I used teaspoons to measure the amount of water the ice melted.

I tested each variable one by one. I did this for four times and mad and average for each test. The average for salt was 2.75 teaspoons and the average for the rock salt was 1.825 teaspoons. Lastly the average for room temp. water was 4.875 teaspoons and the control was 0.625 teaspoons.

Doing this experiment was a fun time. Now I can proudly say I know what makes ice melt fastest. Sadly my hypothesis was very wrong, I thought rock salt would do its job, but at the end warm water takes the cake. I could have tried doing the experiment a bit more, but no matter what the water was go to do the best job at melting the ice.


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