Does heat change how crystals grow

Name Brandon Matthews Experiment Plan 11-17-15

A. Rationale for your project (What will you try to find out? What are you trying to accomplish?)

Compare the size and shape pf crystals grown in three different temperature condition: room temperature, in the refrigerator, and in an ice bath. To find the best temperature conditions for growing the largest, purest crystals

B. Hypothesis / Engineering Goals / Expected Outcomes (explain what you predict will happen, and why):

I think the crystals will grow quicker and bigger in the refrigerator because ice reminds me of crystals. I think the cold temperature will make the crystals grow the largest.

C. Procedure (step by step description of what you will do, a numbered list, explain what you will measure, how you will make it a fair test):

    1. Prepare an ice bath making sure the water inside jar does not freeze

    2. take the temperature of the ice bath, the refrigerator, and of the room. Record temperatures in log book

    3. cut three pieces of string (equal length) and tie one end around a pencil

    4. boil water

    5. add 1 Tbsp. of borax to the water and stir until it dissolves. Continue to add 1 Tbsp. at a time until no more borax will dissolve.

    6. Pour equal amounts of the solution into the three jars (¾ full)

    7. Lay a pencil across the top of each jar so the string hangs down into the solution

    8. Cover the top of the jars with plastic wrap

    9. place one jar in the refrigerator, one on a counter top and one in the ice bath

    10. Leave the jars alone overnight or until crystals form

    11. Record the total amount of time until crystals form

    12. Remove the pencils and note the size, shape, and number of crystals in each solution. Record data

    13. Repeat steps to make sure that my results are accurate

D. Risk and Safety (Identify any potential risks and safety precautions to be taken):

Handling boiling water and borax can be dangerous. I will wear gloves and have an adult present

E. Data Analysis (How will you analyze the data you collect, find averages, calculate differences, create graphs, etc.):

data table to record time, number and size of crystals

bar graph

F. Research/Bibliography (List any books or other resources you used in planning your investigation):

G. Discussion of Results and Conclusions (Will be completed after the experiment):