Camera Test: iPhone vs Nikon


Which is better for taking photos: A Nikon or an iPhone?


I thought Nikon would do better because it’s more expensive and more professional.


    1. Go out to different landmarks and take photos

    2. Compare the photos

    3. Print the photos out

    4. Lay the photos next to each other on a table

    5. Have the test subjects look over the photos

    6. Have the test subjects pick which out of the two photos they like


Which camera has better photo quality? I tested to see if an Iphone was just as good as a professional camera. My hypothesis was that a Nikon camera would be better than an IPhone camera. I could tell Nikon would be better because it’s more expensive than an iPhone and it’s supposed to be a professional camera. I chose this topic because I wanted to see if my hypothesis was actually correct. I also recently became interested in photography especially of nature.

How I did this accurately was I went out in the afternoon so the lighting would be good and I took my photos relatively around the same time. I did have to wait for a little bit until it was darker to get the rest. My mom and I took the photos in the same position and height and at the same time so that the photos looked exactly the same. We then printed out the photos at CVS and laid them out side by side on a table so my family could look through them and pick which one they liked more. I then recorded their answers, added them all up, and got my data.

Equally important, I showed eight of the same pictures; each one taken with an iPhone and the same picture taken with a Nikon. I laid out all of my photos side by side and then showed each set of photos to my seven test subjects. The average I got was seventy nine percent preferred Nikon photos over iPhone photos. Twenty one percent preferred the iPhone pictures.

My project was done as accurately as possible but there was a minor issue that we found after testing. We found out that our iPhone’s camera was cracked making all the photos blurry and not as high quality. Some photos still came out nicely and that’s where the average 12 for the iPhone comes in. What I learned by doing this is that iPhone’s aren’t actually the same as professional cameras. My hypothesis was Nikon would be better and would be chosen more than iPhone. I was correct because 44 Nikon was chosen 44 times. I could improve my project by getting the most recent iPhone instead of using an iPhone 7 and then make sure it’s in perfect condition. Overall, my project went well and it was as accurate as I could make it.


Nikon did better than the Iphone did. It shows which camera you should use when you want to take quality photos. As my hypothesis states I predicted that Nikon would show a better results. Overall, my hypothesis was correct. The issues with my project was that the 7 iPhone wasn’t the newest iPhone. Another issue was that the camera on the iPhone was cracked making some photos were blurry. I would fix my project by getting a newer iPhone though it would be very difficult. In conclusion, my project was as good as I could make it and I got the answer I was expecting and wanted.


Data Table:


Nikon (#2)

iPhone (#1)
