Does Salt Water Affect Freshwater Plants?


My project had to do with salt water and plants. The question was “Does salt water affect plants?”. I chose this topic because I was interested into seeing if salt water could affect freshwater plants. I know that salt water plants could survive so what about freshwater.I think that salt water will make the plant die quickly because salt water is only meant for saltwater plants, and so maybe if it comes in contact with a freshwater plant then it would probably kill it.

In my experiment there were two different kinds of plants. I used celery and leek. When I started this experiment I first took a cup of water, and a tablespoon of salt in the cup. I mixed really good until the salt was good enough in the water. When I went upstairs in my room, I put the cup down and set the plants inside the water. It's been a week from January 18, 2018, and the plants still haven’t died. The celery started to look like it was getting a brown spots.

In this project the data i’ve collected is interesting. I tested this project once since it takes awhile to “die”. The salt water did not kill the plants as well. The leak is still alive and the celery is on the verge of dying. The celery is brownish and floppy. The leak is still thick and strong.

I’ve learned that some plants are really strong, and can withstand salt water. That plant would be the leek. The celery didn’t seem to survive because maybe it’s made of tiny looking strings. I could have improved this project by testing it more than once. I also could have put more salt in the water, and see if the plant would die.