Strength of Paper


Which Paper Holds The Most Weight?

I am interested in being an architect when I get older. I know that building things includes finding the strongest material to give you a long lasting building. So the project that I decide to do was see which paper was the strongest. The paper that I decided to use was line paper, printer paper, and construction paper. My hypotosists was I believe that if I use construction paper it will hold the most sand because it is the strongest of the paper.

I had to make sure that all the papers were the same size. Secondly, I layed six books on the floor, three on each side with about an inch space between them. Next, I laid one piece of paper on the books and put one book on both sides of the paper to hold it in place. Then, I put as many rocks as the paper could hold until it was laying on the ground. Lastly, I measured the weight of the rocks in grams.

The average amount of rocks for line paper was 194 grams. The average amount of rocks for the printer paper was 235 grams. The average amount of rocks that the construction paper held was 334 grams.

From doing this project I learned that construction paper is the best paper to use if doing a project that includes strength. Yes my hypothesis was correct because I thought that construction paper would hold the most rocks and it did. It held 10 compared to the line paper with 5 and the printer paper with 6. One problem with my experiment was that most of the time the rocks would fall off. I could have made this better by finding a different way to put the rocks on the paper.

Data Table

My Science Fair Board
