A Heated Debate - Legitimacy of Climate Change

Yiannis/John Paul Karavanas, The Only REAL John presents....

Global Warming Experimentation!

Global Warning is a controversial topic. To some, it's a hoax. To others, it's rightfully true.


Is Global Warming realistic ?


I predicted it was very true.


    1. I got 2 containers and filled them 14 full with soil

    2. I positioned a heat lamp over them so they are both equally getting light

    3. I put a thermometer into each container.

    4. I made a mixture of baking soda and vinegar (CO2)

    5. I put the mixture into one of the two containers

    6. I recorded the temperature every 20 minutes for 7 times.

Final Time :

140 Minutes



I’ve come to the conclusion that my hypothesis, that global warming exists, was proved correct. The CO2 jar beat the control jar by around 1 point.



Control Data CO2 Data

If I could improve this project in any way, I would make the intervals 15 minutes instead of 20 minutes, and I would get better thermometers, like electronic ones.


Global Warming… Hoax or Fact?

If you do not see what the title means, I am doing a project on the Greenhouse Effect, and if CO2 will trap heat in a container. My experiment is made by using a heat lamp as the sun, a container as the atmosphere of the Earth, and dirt as the soil. To make Carbon Dioxide, you need to mix vinegar and baking soda, it is poured into one container and not into the other one, my control.

I think climate change is real and I hope that this experiment proves me correct.

I started by getting two jars or containers, filling them one fourth of the way with soil from outside, then I would position the heat lamp, turned off, over both of them equally giving them heat, I inserted a thermometer in each jar so I could find the temperature. Then I would make the mixture and quickly pour the mixture into the experimental jar and immediately shut the lids of the jars. I repeated this experiment 7 times to get averages for each jar.

My temperatures started at about 17.5 degrees celsius each, and then we waited 20 minutes between for the next check up. The control went from about 17.5 to 30, and The CO2 went up to 27.4. I swapped the jars to make sure they were even and waited another 20 minutes.

This time, the control went from 30 to 27.1 and the CO2 had gone to 27.2. (I had waited and the temperatures went down a little). Then, the control went to 28 and the CO2 to 30. Next, the control went to 35, and the CO2 to 37. Afterwards, the control went to 37 and the CO2 to 40.

Lastly, the final time I did it, the results were…. Control had 39 and CO2 had 42!. CO2 won by 3 degrees celsius.

My hypothesis, that climate change is real, was proven correct and by 3 degrees celsius. I might have messed up in the middle because I let them go down a little. It might’ve changed the results by a tiny bit. But otherwise, my experiment is totally plausible.