What Color Can You See In The Dark?

In my project i'm trying to figure out- What color can you see in the dark best?

Which color can you see in the dark?

My hypothesis is - I think that the colors yellow or white will be the best to see because, the dark colors like blue, green, and black will blend in and not be that noticeable.

    1. Get different color posters. ( Black, Blue, Green, Red, Orange, Yellow, And White)

    2. Get 3-4 people to test out the color sight.

    3. Give them 2-3 minutes for there eyes to adjust to the dark.

    4. Have them stand about 10 ft away from the chart.

    5. Then find the averages out of all the colors.


For my project I decided to see which color can you see best in the dark? The reason I picked this topic was because, all my brothers are colorblind. Because of that I always think about colors like the colors they can see and it lead me to this topic. My hypothesis for this experiment is that either yellow or white will be the brightest in the dark/the easiest to see.

After I collected all the materials I need which was different types of colored posters such as- Black, Blue, Green, Red, Yellow, and White. The next thing I found was observers to test out the colors. Then what I did was test everyone with the colored posters. Since it's nearly impossible to see in pitch black dark I had a very, very dim light on in the room. The next step was that I had them stand about 20 feet away from the posters like the normal feet away from a eye test.

When I finished collecting data for my project I added up all my data and found the average. To summarize, the average for my project was that 40% of the people I tested saw white, with yellow right behind it at 23%.

In my project I learned more about the human eye sight and more about colors. Yes, my hypothesis was correct. The reason it was correct was because hy hypothesis was that white or yellow was going to be the brightest which it was with white at 40% and yellow at 23%. In my experiment I tested the experiment with many people to insure that my data was as best as it could be. To improve this project I could instead use a giant paper board with the colors I would use and instead put them on there.


With my observations, My data that I test was correct towards my hypothesis. I know now that white is the clearest to see color in the dark. I believe that my experiment was reasonable because, I tested 4 different people so I found a reasonable answer for my problem. To improve this experiment I could have tested it with maybe some other type of color or tints.