6 Which Juice has the Strongest Acid?

Which Juice has the strongest Acid.

By: Lexie Encarnacion


    1. Get juice

    2. Dip PH paper into juice

    3. Use the PH scale to find the PH

    4. Repeat the process again

  1. Test different juice


I want to know which juice has the most acid. I believe the lemon juice would have more acid than the others because it tastes stronger. I will be testing orange, cranberry, lemon and apple juice.

I tested each juice three times by using PH paper and dipping it into the different juices to see which juice has the most acid. Each cup of juice contained 25 ml. The color of the PH paper when i dipped it was yellow.

Cranberry had an average PH of 2.7, lemon juice had an average PH of 2.6, apple juice had an average PH of 3.3 PH, and orange juice had a PH of 3.16.

When I tested it the most acid was found in the lemon juice. The lemon juice had 2 PH and that was the only one who had the most acid then the others juices. The PH scale measures the level of acid. The low was lemon and that was the only one that had 2 PH . I can improve this experiment by maybe testing pure juice instead of drinks, that have water in them.


My Hypothesis is that i predict that lemon juice will be the most acidic because it's stronger than the others juices.


My problem is that i want to try to find the PH of different juices. I want to know which juice is the acidic.


My Conclusion is that the lemon juice has the strongest acid. The data shows that lemon juice has a lower PH level the PH level, the more acidic a fluid is.