Balance Test


For my experiment i decided to test who had better balance, tall or short people. My hypothesis was that short people would have better balance. I chose this as my hypothesis because shorter people are closer to the ground and have shorter legs, while tall people have longer legs and are farther from the ground. I chose this topic because a friend of mine did it last year and i thought it would be interesting to try the experiment.

For my experiment, i got 4 short people and 4 tall people. Everyone under 5’4 was categorized as short and everyone 5’5 or over was categorized as tall. I had all of them stand on one foot with their eyes closed and i repeated it 3 times. I measured how long it would take before they put their second foot on the ground.

While testing, the tallest person got 13s and the shortest person got 8s. By doing this project, i learned that short people have a better balance because they have shorter legs which means their closer to the ground.

I found that short people have a higher percentage and have the better balance. The average percent for a short person was 24.25s, while a tall person had 18s. By experiment was accurate because i made sure that they had their eyes closed the whole time since it is harder to stand on one foot while their eyes are closed. To improve my experiment, i could of had asked more people to do my experiment so that i could have had more of an average.