Cabbage Juice ph Indicator


What I am trying to find is how different ingredients change the pH levels of the cabbage juice that I used as a base. Why I chose this topic was because I thought that studying and changing pH levels was interesting.Red cabbage contains a water-soluble pigment called anthocyanin that changes color when it is mixed with an acid or a base. The pigment turns red in acidic environments with a pH less than 7 and the pigment turns bluish-green in alkaline (basic with a pH greater than 7. The Alka Seltzer was a 7, Lemon juice was a 2, Ammonia was a 9 Baking soda was a 9, and Vinegar was a 2. All the colors change rapled soe of them were light pink and all the rest were dark blues are purple. After the experiment I observed that each ingredient significantly changed the pH levels of the cabbage juice base. I also surprisingly noticed that the color of the cabbage juice base changed when each ingredient was added.

My hypothesis was correct because each ingredient changed the pH levels of the cabbage juice base. I also learned that the color of the cabbage juice base was affected and changed colors when each ingredient was added. I think that I can improve this experiment by trying to determine why the liquids change colors and if the pH levels contributed to this. I would also like to test additional ingredients to see how the effect the pH level of the cabbage juice base.