Plane Wing Aerodynamics

Question- Which wing design is more aerodynamic

Hypothesis- I hypothesize that wing design B will be the most aerodynamic because it has a slick design and will create little to no friction.


    1. Cut out three wing designs

    2. Paint the designs

    3. Put equal size paper strips onto designs

    4. Place green and white piece of paper behind design

    5. Place fan 2 feet away from design

    6. Turn fan on high mode

    7. Take a picture every five seconds of the designs

    8. Look through photos and find out how high the paper strips went

    9. Write down all the measurements

  1. Put data in graphs

    1. Graphs

      1. Abstract

        1. I wanted to investigate which wing design is more aerodynamic. Design A is just a plain block, design B is a wedge with the point pointing towards the fan and design C is a wedge facing away from the fan. I predicted that Design B would work better then all the others because it has a slick design and will cause little to no friction.

        2. Three wing designs were made. Each design was tested 10 times. Testing was done in an indoor room with no wind. The designs sat 2 feet away from a fan that was set on medium mode. A black and white piece of paper sat behind the designs, this will measure how high the strips went. The fan then turns on and in five seconds a picture would be taken. The experiment would be repeated 10 times.

        3. The data showed that wing design B worked the best. Wing design A had an average of 4.15 cm , design B had an average of 2.2 cm and finally wing design C had an average of 3.8 cm. Analysis of the data demonstrated that the slicker the design the more aerodynamic it is.

        4. The results of this study proved my hypothesis. Wing design B was clearly the best. It caused little to no turbulence . This wing design was so successful because it allowed air to go right over it and had no resistance. To better support this hypothesis, a larger model should be studied. I could have made my project better by using a metal design because that is what real airplanes are made out of.

      2. Conclusion

        1. According to my experiment , wing design B was the most aerodynamic with the paper flaps only raising 2.2 centimeter above the wing design. Wing design A was the worst with the flaps raising 4.25 centimeters and wing design C was in the middle with an average of 3.9 centimeters. My hypothesis was correct because wing design B caused the lowest friction. I could have made my project better by making the design metal instead of wood. This would have made it better because real plane wings are made out of metal and this could have affected the outcome.

    1. Picture of Board