March Mintues and April 2016 Coordinating Committee Meeting Agenda

Post date: Apr 06, 2016 4:27:25 AM

Fan-Forest Hills Coordinating Committee Meeting

Lake Oswego Public Library

Wednesday, April 6th starting at 6:30pm


1. Neighborhood grant proposals

2. New home design replication

3. Annual meeting

4. New items

March Meeting Minutes

March 2, 2016

Joint meeting First Addition Neighborhood/Forest Hills Coordinating Committee (FAN/FH) and Evergreen Neighborhood Association (ENA) at Our Lady of the Lake school, Bethlehem Meeting Room.

FAN/FH members present: J. Boland, D. Condra, S. Gustafson, M. Meneghin, C. Ockert, D. O’Neil, D. Rudawitz.

FAN/FH Committee members absent: C. Clee, A. Harris, D. Hennesse, J. Hennesse, D. Lowe, G. Lowe, M. Monto, J. Radich.

ENA members present: Miles Haladay, Bill Gordon, Warren Bacon, Gerry Good, Don Graham, Dave Hawley, Paul Brossia, Grant Johnstone and Carol Radich.

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm.

ENA Minutes were not approved due to lack of a quorum.

Treasurer’s report: $1,443.


Treasurer's report. D. O’Neil reported a balance of $251.11. Expenses this month were for the annual fee to register with the state as a non-profit organization.

North Anchor report. M. Meneghin reported on her Feb. 9th meeting with Brant Williams. The North Anchor project consists of several city owned lots on the north side of B Avenue. One lot is east of 1st Street and several lots are on the west side of 1st Street. The project includes an 80 room hotel with parking for 100 on the west side of 1st Street and on the east side of 1st Street a 60 unit apartment building with parking for 90. The developer, Sturgeon Development Partners, is interested in acquiring the adjacent property at B Avenue and Highway 43 and including it in the project. The City hopes with sign the Disposition and Development Agreement by late summer or early fall. Following that will be the permitting process, then the design process with public input, and finally construction. These three stages are estimated to take two years.

Façade Grant. Chair Ockert reported that the City Council acting as L.O.R.A. contracted with an architect to propose more attractive facades, including paint and awnings, for selected downtown buildings along A Avenue and Highway 43. On March 15th L.O.R.A. will discuss funding grants to help those building owners to upgrade their facades.

Demolition Notification. We have concerns about exposure to hazardous materials when a house is demolished and FAN/FH supports a new procedure of notifying neighbors in advance of nearby demolitions. Chair Ockert reported that she learned that the city staff will not take the demolition notification proposal to the Planning Commission but will include it in the CDC amendment process which would start in April, include outreach to neighbors in July and August, and be referred to the Council in the fall.


Current demolitions in Evergreen. The house at 141 Berwick is coming down.

Tree report. W. Bacon distributed a draft of a proposed categorization of the level of concern that describes how the Tree Committee might review and respond to tree removal requests.

The joint group agreed it would be good to share information about controversial tree removal requests.

Pre-Apps. None.

Neighborhood Survey Update. The survey is at the City for mailing and will go out soon.

Hospitality Committee Update. This committee visits new neighbors and distributes information about the city, the neighborhood association and coupons from local businesses.

Update on the Overlay. The Overlay plan will regulate the setback of the front plane of proposed new buildings. It was preliminarily agreed that the Overlay should also include setback regulations for the side street building plane.


Tree Committee Report. S. Gustafson reported that Evergreen construction paid a fine for violating the tree protection zone of a 50” diameter fir and a 30” diameter fir by trenching through their root system which killed the trees. They are appealing for a reduction in the amount of the fine.

A builder at 515 10th street requested permission to remove three large firs. A decision is pending.

There is an application to remove 40” and 42” diameter western red cedars on 7th street.

Gustafson will follow up on the Federal Migratory Bird act as it relates to the removal of the tree on 6th that was an owl nesting site. Apparently the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is responsible for enforcement.

Pre-Apps. At 9th and A the owner of a newer home wants to expand but it would exceed the permitted footprint. Neither the city staff nor the neighborhood plan supports expansion.

The vets office at 3rd Street and C Avenue has asked for a variance to the required 80% window area and the D.R.C. will hear that request at their March 7 meeting. The FAN/FH committee supports the variance. The project will complete the sidewalk along B Avenue and it complies with the parking code.

Neighborhood Grants. The grant application period opens March 1st and closes May 1st. The FAN/FH steering committee will discuss this at our monthly meeting in April. Fund raising for engraving the Stafford Stone in the Stafford Grove has gathered $2,000 an additional $3,000 needed.

Annual Meeting planning. The FAN/FH Annual Meeting will be a joint meeting with North Shore Neighborhood Association held at the Adult Community Center on April 26th. The meeting will begin at 6:30 with a half hour Meet and Greet and the opportunity to sign up to join the Coordinating Committee. At 7:00 Ian Madin, neighbor and Chief Scientist for the Oregon Department of Geology, and L.O. Fire Chief Larry Goff will talk about earthquakes and earthquake preparedness. At 8:00 we will elect officers and Coordination Committee members. Details will be finalized at our next meeting, Wednesday, April 6th.


Evergreen Neighborhood Association Nominating Committee. Bill, Dave and Warren will serve on the ENA Nominating Committee. The annual meeting is May 4th at Our Lady of the Lake school. The survey results will be available, the proposed overlay will be discussed and Ian Madden will be asked to talk about earthquakes.

Next meeting. Next meeting of ENA will be April 6th.

Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.