FANFH Coodinating Committee June 2014 Minutes

Post date: Jun 28, 2014 4:42:13 PM


Coord. Committee members: Carole Ockert, Maria Meneghin, David Rudawitz, Sharon Gustafson, Dennis O’Neil, Jim Bolland, Martin Monto

Guest: Ian Lindsey, Jeff Gudman

Ian Lindsey followed up a pre-application hearing regarding his property at 730 First St. He wanted to reach out to the neighborhood association, explain his project to the board and get feedback before he submits his application to the city. He will likely submit a RID request. The property is R0 backing up to R6. The position of the garage will not meet the setback for the zone, but his intent is that the design will be more in keeping with the streetscape, scale and intent of the neighborhood character. There was discussion about appreciating this intent and also of the potential impact to R6 neighbors behind. So far he has had no objection from neighbors. There was discussion that a height limitation of the garage to a single story going forward, would help alleviate negative impacts on neighbors.

Follow up on the annual meeting-

A thanks to Maria for organizing the event and leading the North Anchor discussion. A summary of the comments are on the FANFH website. The Coordinating Committee wants to be involved in the North End Anchor process. Maria read a statement to send to the city to that end.

“The residents and business owners within the First Addition/Forest Hills Neighborhood Association boundaries will be directly impacted by the development of the city-owned North Anchor properties. In order to express and protect the best interests of our constituency, the elected Coordinating Committee of our Neighborhood Association expects to participate in the city’s discussions regarding that development. We look forward to a successful collaboration with city officials.”

It was so moved by Martin Monto, seconded by Maria Meneghin and supported unanimously to submit the statement to Council.

The people who asked to be added to our website notification list will be added in by the secretary.

The Neighborhood Grant Application had been prepared by Carole Ockert following the direction from the May meeting. It requests funding for Community Building, and includes our Candidates Night, our Annual Meeting and a neighborhood survey. It was unanimously approved to be submitted to the city.

There will be a neighborhood meeting at the ACC on June 19th at 6:30 for a lot split on Andrews Road.

Transportation Systems Plan report - following Carole’s testimony on behalf of the Coord. Committee, the Planning Commission requested that staff make clear the language to state that the projects we noted are ‘not in the neighborhood plan and not vetted by the neighborhood’. That this is the accurate statement rather than the statement ‘not approved by Neighborhood Association’. There was discussion regarding including a cross section that reflected the ‘country lane’ look. Martin spoke about his preference for more sidewalks. Carole talked about parking issues. It was noted that people are parking head in instead of parallel in some locations.

Housekeeping Code report- Carole and Jim presented to Planning Commission on the front porch/corner lot issue. Councilor Gudman noted that the powerpoint was informative and well received. Staff had placed this item on a Measure 56 track. We were not informed, so our presentation was done on the wrong night. Carole will follow up on why this is being Measure 56’d.

There is also another issue staff brought forward about clarifying code language in a table that refers to ‘edge of road surface’ to ‘edge of pavement’ in establishing a setback line in R6. Carole brought to their attention that this would be even more confusing and could bring negative unintended consequences. Planning Commission agreed and has set this aside for more study. Staff was directed to work with us to clarify this situation.

Jim reported on the ‘may’ vs ‘shall’ issue on the number of floors in the Downtown Redevelopment District, with staff saying inadvertent typo and should be ‘shall’. Planning Commission said no - leave is as currently written as ‘may’.

Carole asked for participation in reviewing the next code revision draft Nonconforming and Variance Code Amendments. Maria and Dennis took home a hard copy and Martin will look for online copy.

Ray called time up. Meeting adjourned.

The intent currently is - No August Meeting -